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Bug with my sell house command - Printable Version

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Bug with my sell house command - Sc0pion - 19.03.2015


AW: Bug with my sell house command - Kaliber - 19.03.2015

Originally Posted by Sc0pion
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How do I fix?
Can you please show us the code, where you check, if the house is free?

Re: Bug with my sell house command - Sc0pion - 19.03.2015


AW: Bug with my sell house command - Kaliber - 19.03.2015

Then write in the sellhouse command:

hInfo[houseid][ForSale] = 1;

Re: Bug with my sell house command - Sc0pion - 19.03.2015


AW: Re: Bug with my sell house command - Kaliber - 19.03.2015

Originally Posted by Sc0pion
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but still the player will be able to sell his/her house and get cash untill i reload the server.
Write at the top of the sellhouse command:

if(hInfo[houseid][ForSale] == 1) return SCM(playerid,-1,"This house was already sold!");
hInfo[houseid][ForSale] = 1;

Re: Bug with my sell house command - Sc0pion - 19.03.2015


AW: Re: Bug with my sell house command - Kaliber - 19.03.2015

Originally Posted by Sc0pion
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You still didn't understand my problem didn't understand my solution

Re: Bug with my sell house command - Sc0pion - 19.03.2015


Re: Bug with my sell house command - Chrillzen - 19.03.2015

Make a player variable to check if the owner has a house or not. When he sells the house you set it to zero so he can't sell a house he doesn't own.

if(ownshouse[playerid] == 0) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "You do not own a house.");