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ERRROR - Printable Version

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ERRROR - itachi - 19.03.2015

Please I am compile pwn gamemode Infection and this error

ERROR : infection.pwn(216) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype


public OnPlayerGiveDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart) // 216 line
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == TEAM_INFECTED){SetPlayerTeam(damagedid,TEAM_INFECT ED),SpawnPlayer(damagedid),SendClientMessage(playe rid,COLOR_RED,#Infected. Spread the infection to the living.),infected[playerid] = true;}
if(damagedid == TEAM_INFECTED) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"You've tried infecting an infected person. Didnt work.");
return 1;

AW: ERRROR - Kaliber - 19.03.2015

Well, try to update your SA:MP Includes...

if this doesn't work, look where forward OnPlayerGiveDamage is in the includes and change it

Re: ERRROR - CalvinC - 19.03.2015

Update and YSI(if you have it).