Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
willsuckformoney - 16.03.2015
When I login using MySQL and the wamp server, it crashes and closes my server. It does not happen when I register, but when I type my password and hit enter, it shuts down.
Pawn codes
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == 15000)
if(!strlen(inputtext) || strlen(inputtext) > 100)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must insert a password between 1-100 characters!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register","Your user is {FF0000}not{FFFFFF} registered! Please {0000FF}register{FFFFFF} with a password below!\n {FF0000}ERROR:Please enter a password between 1-100 characters!","Register","Cancel");
else if(strlen(inputtext) > 0 && strlen(inputtext) < 100)
new escpass[100];
mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escpass);
MySQL_Register(playerid, escpass);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must register before you spawn!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register","Your user is {FF0000}not{FFFFFF} registered! Please {0000FF}register{FFFFFF} with a password below!\n {FF0000}ERROR:Please enter a password !","Register","Cancel");
if(dialogid == 15500)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must login before you spawn!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} You must login before you spawn!","Login","Cancel");
new query[200], pname[24], escapepass[100];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escapepass);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `user` FROM playerdata WHERE user = '%s' AND password = '%s'", pname, escapepass);
new numrows = mysql_num_rows();
if(numrows == 1) MySQL_Login(playerid);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} The password you typed was incorrect!","Login","Cancel"); //Shows our login dialog :).
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "Incorrect password!");
return 1;
stock MySQL_Login(playerid)
new query[300], pname[24], savingstring[20];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM playerdata WHERE user = '%s'", pname);
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "score"); SetPlayerScore(playerid, strval(savingstring));
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "money"); MoneyGiven[playerid] = strval(savingstring);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have been logged in!");
Logged[playerid] = 1;
return 1;
MySQL Debug
[00:57:29] ---------------------------
[00:57:29] MySQL Debugging activated (03/16/15)
[00:57:29] ---------------------------
[00:57:29] >> mysql_connect( )
[00:57:29] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called.
[00:57:29] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "" | DB: "samp" | Username: "root" ...
[00:57:29] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
[00:57:29] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
[00:58:00] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:00] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT user FROM `playerdata` WHERE user = 'willcnr09' LIMIT 1) - Successfully executed.
[00:58:00] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:00] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[00:58:00] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:00] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)
[00:58:00] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:00] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
[00:58:03] >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::EscapeString(cowismoo); - Escaped 8 characters to cowismoo.
[00:58:03] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT `user` FROM playerdata WHERE user = 'willcnr09' AND password = 'cowismoo') - Successfully executed.
[00:58:03] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[00:58:03] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)
[00:58:03] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT * FROM playerdata WHERE user = 'willcnr09') - Successfully executed.
[00:58:03] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.
[00:58:03] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )
[00:58:03] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - Return: willcnr09|cowismoo|0|0|
[00:58:03] >> mysql_fetch_field_row( Connection handle: 1 )
Crash Info
SA-MP Server: 0.3z
Exception At Address: 0x7182B9F0 Module: (MSVCR90.dll)
EAX: 0x035F6028 EBX: 0x02E0C87C ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x025BED80
ESI: 0x0018F7C8 EDI: 0x003A6868 EBP: 0x0018F78C ESP: 0x0018F780
EFLAGS: 0x00010246
+0000: 0x6F255DB4 0x00000000 0x003A6868 0x0018F7C0
+0010: 0x0054952E 0x00000000 0x39B4697C 0x0018F7C8
+0020: 0x02E0C87C 0x025BED80 0x6F2572AA 0x00000001
+0030: 0x00000000 0x0018F824 0x00549FFD 0x00000000
+0040: 0x0018F830 0x005467D3 0x00549EDB 0x726F6373
+0050: 0x00180065 0x005467AF 0x0018F7FC 0x00000005
+0060: 0x0000000F 0x39B4668C 0x00000000 0x0018F7C8
+0070: 0x353A3030 0x00000000 0x0018F7C8 0x025BED80
+0080: 0x726F6373 0x00590065 0x00549F3C 0xFFFFFFFF
+0090: 0x00000005 0x0000000F 0x39B4668C 0x025BED80
+00A0: 0x00000000 0x0018FB4C 0x0054A150 0x00000000
+00B0: 0x02E14090 0x004010B6 0x003A6868 0x02E1D668
+00C0: 0x02E14208 0x00402B63 0x003A6868 0x00000023
+00D0: 0x0018F868 0x02E1D668 0x0018FB5C 0x003A6868
+00E0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00009460
+00F0: 0x00009460 0x00009F14 0x00005F3C 0x000099D0
+0100: 0x00005F3C 0x02E0C87C 0x02E14208 0x00000000
+0110: 0x02E0BFD8 0x0000798C 0x0046DE11 0x003A6868
+0120: 0x0018F8E8 0x00000000 0x003A6868 0x00000000
+0130: 0x003A6868 0x00003C8C 0x003A6868 0x00000001
Loaded Modules:
samp-server.exe A: 0x00400000 - 0x004F5000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\samp-server.exe)
ntdll.dll A: 0x77160000 - 0x772E0000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll)
kernel32.dll A: 0x74EB0000 - 0x74FC0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll)
KERNELBASE.dll A: 0x752F0000 - 0x75337000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll)
SHELL32.dll A: 0x76040000 - 0x76C8A000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll)
msvcrt.dll A: 0x75C80000 - 0x75D2C000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll)
SHLWAPI.dll A: 0x75C20000 - 0x75C77000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll)
GDI32.dll A: 0x753B0000 - 0x75440000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll)
USER32.dll A: 0x75EE0000 - 0x75FE0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll)
ADVAPI32.dll A: 0x76CA0000 - 0x76D40000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll)
sechost.dll A: 0x74E90000 - 0x74EA9000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll)
RPCRT4.dll A: 0x74FC0000 - 0x750B0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll)
SspiCli.dll A: 0x74AF0000 - 0x74B50000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll)
CRYPTBASE.dll A: 0x74AE0000 - 0x74AEC000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll)
LPK.dll A: 0x75C10000 - 0x75C1A000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll)
USP10.dll A: 0x75600000 - 0x7569D000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll)
WSOCK32.dll A: 0x74960000 - 0x74967000 (C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll)
WS2_32.dll A: 0x74C20000 - 0x74C55000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll)
NSI.dll A: 0x755F0000 - 0x755F6000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll)
WINMM.dll A: 0x715D0000 - 0x71602000 (C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll)
IMM32.DLL A: 0x758A0000 - 0x75900000 (C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL)
MSCTF.dll A: 0x74B50000 - 0x74C1C000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll)
sscanf.DLL A: 0x10000000 - 0x1000D000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\plugins\sscanf.DLL)
MSVCR100.dll A: 0x6C580000 - 0x6C63D000 (C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR100.dll)
mysql.DLL A: 0x00540000 - 0x00553000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\plugins\mysql.DLL)
LIBMYSQL.dll A: 0x66C90000 - 0x6719C000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\LIBMYSQL.dll)
Secur32.dll A: 0x70D80000 - 0x70D88000 (C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll)
MSVCR90.dll A: 0x717F0000 - 0x71893000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4940_none_50916076bcb9a742\MSVCR90.dll)
MSVCP90.dll A: 0x6F250000 - 0x6F2DE000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4940_none_50916076bcb9a742\MSVCP90.dll)
NLAapi.dll A: 0x74520000 - 0x74530000 (C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll)
napinsp.dll A: 0x743C0000 - 0x743D0000 (C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll)
pnrpnsp.dll A: 0x74390000 - 0x743A2000 (C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll)
mswsock.dll A: 0x70F60000 - 0x70F9C000 (C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll)
DNSAPI.dll A: 0x730E0000 - 0x73124000 (C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll)
winrnr.dll A: 0x743B0000 - 0x743B8000 (C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll)
WLIDNSP.DLL A: 0x74360000 - 0x74387000 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL)
PSAPI.DLL A: 0x75350000 - 0x75355000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL)
rasadhlp.dll A: 0x74350000 - 0x74356000 (C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll)
wshtcpip.dll A: 0x70F50000 - 0x70F55000 (C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll)
IPHLPAPI.DLL A: 0x73240000 - 0x7325C000 (C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL)
WINNSI.DLL A: 0x748E0000 - 0x748E7000 (C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL)
SA-MP Server: 0.3z
Exception At Address: 0x771943E0 Module: (ntdll.dll)
EAX: 0x02DCF4C0 EBX: 0x02E0C7F8 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x02DCF4B8 EDI: 0x00240000 EBP: 0x0018ECFC ESP: 0x0018ECD4
EFLAGS: 0x00010246
+0000: 0x00240000 0x02E0C7F8 0x00000000 0x34323133
+0010: 0x00000000 0x0018ECC8 0x646E6957 0x00000000
+0020: 0x771D71F5 0x24B6A536 0x0018EDF4 0x771935B7
+0030: 0x00240000 0x02E0C7F8 0x0018EDC4 0x00000000
+0040: 0x53B698E2 0x00000000 0x00240000 0x02E0C800
+0050: 0x7830202D 0x42333437 0x30303038 0x3A432809
+0060: 0x6E69575C 0x73776F64 0x7379535C 0x336D6574
+0070: 0x69775C32 0x00240000 0x00244D58 0x0A0D0D29
+0080: 0x44494C57 0x2E50534E 0x094C4C44 0x30203A41
+0090: 0x33343778 0x30303036 0x202D2030 0x34377830
+00A0: 0x00000003 0x28093030 0x505C3A43 0x72676F72
+00B0: 0x46206D61 0x73656C69 0x38782820 0x435C2936
+00C0: 0x6F6D6D6F 0x6946206E 0x5C73656C 0x7263694D
+00D0: 0x666F736F 0x00000000 0x64657261 0x6E69575C
+00E0: 0x73776F64 0x76694C20 0x4C575C65 0x534E4449
+00F0: 0x00007961 0x00000000 0x0100500A 0x442E4950
+0100: 0x41094C4C 0x0101203A 0x0018ED14 0x0018E89C
+0110: 0x0018EE54 0x771D71F5 0x24B6BD66 0x00000000
+0120: 0x0018EE14 0x771934A2 0x02E0C7F8 0x02E0C800
+0130: 0x02E0C800 0x004B85C8 0x0018FCB0 0x02E0C7F8
Loaded Modules:
samp-server.exe A: 0x00400000 - 0x004F5000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\samp-server.exe)
ntdll.dll A: 0x77160000 - 0x772E0000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll)
kernel32.dll A: 0x74EB0000 - 0x74FC0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll)
KERNELBASE.dll A: 0x752F0000 - 0x75337000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll)
SHELL32.dll A: 0x76040000 - 0x76C8A000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll)
msvcrt.dll A: 0x75C80000 - 0x75D2C000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll)
SHLWAPI.dll A: 0x75C20000 - 0x75C77000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll)
GDI32.dll A: 0x753B0000 - 0x75440000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll)
USER32.dll A: 0x75EE0000 - 0x75FE0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll)
ADVAPI32.dll A: 0x76CA0000 - 0x76D40000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll)
sechost.dll A: 0x74E90000 - 0x74EA9000 (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll)
RPCRT4.dll A: 0x74FC0000 - 0x750B0000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll)
SspiCli.dll A: 0x74AF0000 - 0x74B50000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll)
CRYPTBASE.dll A: 0x74AE0000 - 0x74AEC000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll)
LPK.dll A: 0x75C10000 - 0x75C1A000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll)
USP10.dll A: 0x75600000 - 0x7569D000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll)
WSOCK32.dll A: 0x74960000 - 0x74967000 (C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll)
WS2_32.dll A: 0x74C20000 - 0x74C55000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll)
NSI.dll A: 0x755F0000 - 0x755F6000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll)
WINMM.dll A: 0x715D0000 - 0x71602000 (C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll)
IMM32.DLL A: 0x758A0000 - 0x75900000 (C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL)
MSCTF.dll A: 0x74B50000 - 0x74C1C000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll)
sscanf.DLL A: 0x10000000 - 0x1000D000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\plugins\sscanf.DLL)
MSVCR100.dll A: 0x6C580000 - 0x6C63D000 (C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR100.dll)
mysql.DLL A: 0x00540000 - 0x00553000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\plugins\mysql.DLL)
LIBMYSQL.dll A: 0x66C90000 - 0x6719C000 (C:\Users\Sarah\Desktop\gta sa\Server\LIBMYSQL.dll)
Secur32.dll A: 0x70D80000 - 0x70D88000 (C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll)
MSVCR90.dll A: 0x717F0000 - 0x71893000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4940_none_50916076bcb9a742\MSVCR90.dll)
MSVCP90.dll A: 0x6F250000 - 0x6F2DE000 (C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4940_none_50916076bcb9a742\MSVCP90.dll)
NLAapi.dll A: 0x74520000 - 0x74530000 (C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll)
napinsp.dll A: 0x743C0000 - 0x743D0000 (C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll)
pnrpnsp.dll A: 0x74390000 - 0x743A2000 (C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll)
mswsock.dll A: 0x70F60000 - 0x70F9C000 (C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll)
DNSAPI.dll A: 0x730E0000 - 0x73124000 (C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll)
winrnr.dll A: 0x743B0000 - 0x743B8000 (C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll)
WLIDNSP.DLL A: 0x74360000 - 0x74387000 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL)
PSAPI.DLL A: 0x75350000 - 0x75355000 (C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL)
rasadhlp.dll A: 0x74350000 - 0x74356000 (C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll)
wshtcpip.dll A: 0x70F50000 - 0x70F55000 (C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll)
IPHLPAPI.DLL A: 0x73240000 - 0x7325C000 (C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL)
WINNSI.DLL A: 0x748E0000 - 0x748E7000 (C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL)
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
Darrenr - 16.03.2015
Which mysql plugin are you using?
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
BleverCastard - 16.03.2015
So it crashes your game with those error codes?
It could be that the coords are wrong, not to do with the login itself. Are you sure you have "SetSpawnInfo" under OnGameModeInit(I believe it's SetSpawnInfo).
Change the coords to another place(LS,LV,SF) and try again.
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
Matess - 16.03.2015
PHP код:
if(dialogid == 15500)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must login before you spawn!");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} You must login before you spawn!","Login","Cancel");
new query[200], pname[24], escapepass[100];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escapepass);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `user` FROM playerdata WHERE user = '%s' AND password = '%s'", pname, escapepass);
new numrows = mysql_num_rows();
if(numrows == 1) MySQL_Login(playerid);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} The password you typed was incorrect!","Login","Cancel"); //Shows our login dialog :).
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "Incorrect password!");
mysql_free_result();//THIS!! Should be before MySQL_Login(playerid);
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
willsuckformoney - 17.03.2015
I'm using BlueG's MySQL R6 and I tried what Matess said and it didn't solve the problem. Also it isn't the spawn locations because when I join and register and spawn it works fine. It's only a problem when I try to login.
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
Matess - 17.03.2015
So try to locate exact code, for example try comment this:
PHP код:
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "score"); SetPlayerScore(playerid, strval(savingstring));
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "money"); MoneyGiven[playerid] = strval(savingstring);
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
willsuckformoney - 18.03.2015
Well Matess, its that simple. It was those lines that caused it. So how would I fix that?
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
Kar - 18.03.2015
Upgrade to r39-3.
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
willsuckformoney - 18.03.2015
I don't know how to use thread scripts or anything about them
If you got a tutorial on how to use them somewhere I'd love to give it a try.
Re: Server crashes when logging in (MySQL) -
Matess - 18.03.2015
I am not sure if "while" is necessary because you are loading only these two items. Maybe there is problem only with one of them so try it. I hope that you have these columns in phpmyadmin.