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SA-MP launcher on vb - Printable Version

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SA-MP launcher on vb - Golimad - 15.03.2015

Hello I need a way of fixing this : ( in visual basic 2012 )
I have tried all possible ways with no result.
Please if you know how to launch sa-mp server from vb app reply below

Re: SA-MP launcher on c - StreetGT - 15.03.2015

Kinda cool creating that type of topics.
There are few Launchers released on Web/App/Tools, just pick one and edit it -.-

BTW: use search too

Re : Re: SA-MP launcher on c - Golimad - 15.03.2015

Originally Posted by StreetGT
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Kinda cool creating that type of topics.
There are few Launchers released on Web/App/Tools, just pick one and edit it -.-

BTW: use search too
I have misclicked enter when I start the topic