Streaming Problems -
JaKe Elite - 13.03.2015
I do not know where to post this issue, But in either way - I apologize if i have ever posted this thread on a wrong board section.
So eventually, Everything works great --- Now i have been having issue with the streaming maps, My friend of mine (Vinay) mapped a prison interior in the skies replacing the old map with the same issue that i was about to tell you. So here what happens, The issue eventually stays with the new map.
The issue:
The streaming of the map is slow, You have to walk towards the missing object (non-streamed) to make it stream on your screen, Let me demonstrate it.
(First picture, See? The objects are missing)
(I walked a little bit, The objects that are missing earlier streamed in, Still missing objects)
(Final -- I walked once more, and the objects loaded, still things are missing until i approached to them manually)
It has nothing to do with the distance on the code of the map as it works fine on the static grounds of the game. It is still odd why this happens in the maps which is in the sky, Possibly out of bound or something?
I need an explanation/advise to this issue.
AW: Streaming Problems -
Kaliber - 13.03.2015
Press inGame F5 and post the screen
...but i would guess it has to do sth with the Distance
Re: Streaming Problems -
JaKe Elite - 13.03.2015
Maybe perhaps the game settings of the draw distance? Don't you think?
Re: Streaming Problems -
CalvinC - 13.03.2015
There may be too many objects streamed at once which could exceed the object limit.
Re: Streaming Problems -
JaKe Elite - 13.03.2015
Well is there any way to fix this out?
Re: Streaming Problems -
MasonPlay - 13.03.2015
I had the same problem. When having more than 800-1000 objects in a map. When creating big interiors like prison, hospital etc, try to split the map into severel parts, 800 objects in one place and 800 in a different location, it's the only way.
Re: Streaming Problems -
CalvinC - 13.03.2015
Check if that's the issue by pressing F5, i believe it's the "ObjectSlotsUsed", that shouldn't exceed 1000, and maybe not 500 either.
If that's the case, lower the draw distance or number of objects, or spread it out.
Re: Streaming Problems -
JaKe Elite - 13.03.2015
The object slot used are 618, So shall i decrease the draw distance?
Re: Streaming Problems -
Hybris - 13.03.2015
Get streamfix it will probably help you out but im not 100% sure if this only occurs to you or others players but its worth giving it a try
Re: Streaming Problems -
JaKe Elite - 14.03.2015
Basically it is not my game's problem, I have never ever experienced streaming problems with in the static maps (GTA SA) but with my custom maps in the skies, so basically i don't think that is the issue here.