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What Wrong Here? - SHFaCeBook - 09.03.2015


i have problem , when i compile , i get this error:
: error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"

pawn Код:
if(playerVariables[x][pSpamCount] >= 1)

            if(playerVariables[x][pSpamCount] >= 2 && playerVariables[x][pAdminLevel] == 0) {
                playerVariables[x][pMuted] = 20;
                playerVariables[x][pSpamCount] = 0;
                format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "%s (%d) Maybe is Spammed. [/spec] him..", playerVariables[playerid][pNormalName], playerid);
                submitToHelpersAndAdmins(szMessage, COLOR_GREEN);
                SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_GREY, "You have been auto-muted for spamming. You will be unmuted in 10 seconds.");

Re: What Wrong Here? - CalvinC - 09.03.2015

You haven't defined "playerid", you might have meant to use "x"?

Re: What Wrong Here? - SHFaCeBook - 09.03.2015

Originally Posted by CalvinC
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You haven't defined "playerid", you might have meant to use "x"?
yes "x" bro forget) , can u do me a code , what he writed ( when he detect to admin ) Ex : ID:59 ,Maybe spamed/flood ,''Spamed:heey heey heey''

understand what i mean? =p

Re: What Wrong Here? - SHFaCeBook - 09.03.2015


Re: What Wrong Here? - Schneider - 09.03.2015

CalvinC already gave you the answer, just read the error and read your code again and again until you have found the problem.

Re: What Wrong Here? - ReD_HunTeR - 09.03.2015

pawn Код:
if(playerVariables[x][pSpamCount] >= 1)
            if(playerVariables[x][pSpamCount] >= 2 && playerVariables[x][pAdminLevel] == 0) {
            playerVariables[x][pMuted] = 20;
            playerVariables[x][pSpamCount] = 0;
                format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "%s (%d) Maybe is Spammed. [/spec] him..", playerVariables[x][pNormalName], x);
                submitToHelpersAndAdmins(szMessage, COLOR_GREEN);
            SendClientMessage(x, COLOR_GREY, "You have been auto-muted for spamming. You will be unmuted in 10 seconds.");