Get position of vehicle's tires - Printable Version
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Get position of vehicle's tires -
Kwashiorkor - 08.03.2015
I wanted to make a vehicle's tires pop if they have been shot. I'm using OnPlayerWeaponShot and the information of GetVehiclePos and GetVehicleModelInfo but I'm quite frustrated about the maths. Can anyone here help me?
Re: Get position of vehicle's tires -
SKAzini - 08.03.2015
But don't they already do that in the default GTA/SA:MP?
AW: Get position of vehicle's tires -
Kwashiorkor - 08.03.2015
If someone is in the vehicle, yes. But not if there's no driver and no passengers
Re: Get position of vehicle's tires -
Pillhead2007 - 08.03.2015
Not at home at the min but basically you have to have bullet hit vehicle under player shot weapon then the function isvehicleoccupied(vehicleid) = 0 then create a stock with getvehiiclemodelinfo using rear and drone -0.5 +0.5 on both then stock setvehicletire pop with new panels doors tires then set which tire to Pop I written the code but added check points to which tire is popped so you get tire out the boot d fix tire lol I'm at work at the min See of that puts you on right direction
AW: Get position of vehicle's tires -
Kwashiorkor - 08.03.2015
I'm aware of what I have to do, yet the maths is hard. How to use the vehicle's rotation and such? I haven't worked with them so I really don't know what to do, sorry.
Re: Get position of vehicle's tires -
Misiur - 08.03.2015 and can help you with those.
AW: Get position of vehicle's tires -
Kwashiorkor - 08.03.2015
That is exactly what I needed. Many thanks Misiur