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spawn selection camera - Printable Version

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spawn selection camera - wooolly - 07.03.2015

After the player selects there class, it goes onto spawn zone selection. I toggleplayerspectating to true, and set the camera pos and camera look at pos, but it doesn't work, it just looks at the sea (with a bridge, i think it's like the default location for a camera to look at, i think its at the 0,0 coords (center of map)) so the position maybe isn't worked?
It was working before, but I changed something in class selection and it broke it, so it can't be the camera positions surely :O?

if(gPlayerSpawnSelection[playerid] == SPAWN_ALL_SAINTS_HOSPITAL) {
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_INFO, "All Sains Hospital camera pos set for spawn selection");

the sendclientmessage is just something I added for debugging purposes (to make sure it was getting called properly).

this is in OnPlayerSpawn:
if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING) {

Re: spawn selection camera - Cypress - 07.03.2015

SetPlayerCameraPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt doesn't work when spectating. Use InterpolateCameraPos and InterpolateCameraLookAt..

Camera won't move if you put the same values of From:X, Y, Z to To:X, Y, Z, in case you don't know.

Re: spawn selection camera - wooolly - 07.03.2015

Awesome! thanks duddddde +1 rep