QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Rancho - 07.03.2015
What is QPreprocessor?
QPreprocessor is tokeniser and parser which is written for adding new features to Pawn. It supports new features like namespaces. It is currently tested on 37 scripts.
What are the advantages?
At the moment, there are not much advantages. We will explain each advantage in this topic. The list:
- Namespaces are supported.
- New directives. ( #comment, (in future probably #inc, #dec) )
- Verbatim strings ( $"" ) (escape "\" character would be treated as "\\") (look verbatim strings in google)
- Long strings ( [""] ) (doesnt require '\' character every line ending. )
- String formatting with '+' operator is supported. ( $variableName = "" + "" ... )
- New constants ( _FILE_, _LINE_, __Q_MAJOR_VERSION__, __Q_MINOR_VERSION__, __Q_BUG__VERSION__ )
- Open-source
What are the disadvantages?
- A whole new layer for preprocessing unit. That means there would be bugs. It is experimental release for now. Be careful what's happening in the background.
- Preprocessor will not delete '.qp' file. You may want to see precompiled file. If there is something wrong, you should contact with me.
New Directives
At the moment there is just one new directive. In future, I am planning to add more directives.
- #comment 3rd comment style. Catching this style from another application(like editors) is easier.
New Constants
- __FILE__ The full-path of file. Not only file-name
- __LINE__ It is clear to understand.
- __COLUMN__ No usefulness, but exists if you want.
- __Q_MAJOR_VERSION__ It is clear to understand.
- __Q_MINOR_VERSION__ It is clear to understand.
- __Q_BUG_VERSION__ It is clear to understand.
- Version Definition: (Major).(Minor).(Bug)
Verbatim strings
- Verbatim string starts with "$" character. It equals to @"" in C#.
- Verbatim strings do not have escape character. It is based on the characters in file. '\' character will be treated as "\\".
- Multi-line supported without '\'.
- Every line ends with '\n' automatically. Example:
Bro" will be translated into "Hello\nBro"
- $"Hello\nBro" will be translated into "Hello\\nBro"
- Escaping from double-quote character needs writing it multiple.
False syntax: $"Hello\"Bro" will be translated into "Hello\\"Bro" and that will cause an error.
True syntax: $"Hello""Bro" will be translated into "Hello\"Bro" and that will work perfect.
Long strings
- Long string starts with ' [" ' character and ends with ' "] '. It half-equals to "[[ ]]" in Lua.
- Long strings have escape character. It is regular strings like in pawn.
- Multi-line supported without '\'.
- Every line ends with '\n' automatically. Example:
Bro"] will be translated into "Hello\nBro"
- ["Hello\nBro"] will be translated into "Hello\nBro"
- Escaping from double-quote character needs '\' as like in (normal)strings in pawn-self.
True syntax: ["Hello\"Bro"] will be translated into "Hello\"Bro" and that will work perfect
Formatting strings
- Another great feature is formatting strings with '+' operator.
- Formatting syntax starts with "$" character.
- After "$" variable name comes.
(like: $myformattedstring, also variable must be declared before.
new myformattedstring[10];
- You can concat strings now.
- $myformattedstring = "Hello " + "world";
- But thats not enough. You can use variables after '+' operator like;
- $myformattedstring = "Hello " + $pName + ", welcome!";
$ is important because it points the variable format type is '%s'
$ points '%s' $stringVariableName
. points '%d' .integerVariableName
: points '%f' :floatVariableName
~ points '%x' ~hexadecimalVariableName
- We also know that there is much more format types. Than you can put your type manually:
$myformattedstring = "Hello, your X pos: " + '0.2f'playerPosX;
'-format type-'variable name (Note: Do not use '%' character in manuel format type.)
- You have to use this formatting alone. You cant use like SendClientMessageToAll(0, $var=...);
- Here is example:
new str[256];
new str2[256];
$str = "hello" + " world";
new numb = 5;
new Float:flo = 45.0;
$str2 = "Str 1 contains:" + $str + " and a number: "
+ .numb + " and a float: " + :flo
+ " and now manuel flo: " + '0.2f'flo;
printf("%s", str2);
It will automatically turns into:
new str [256];
new str2 [256];
format(str, sizeof(str), "hello world",0);
new numb =5;
new Float:flo =45.0;
format(str2, sizeof(str2), "Str 1 contains:%s and a number: %d and a float: %f and now manuel flo: %0.2f",str,numb,flo,flo,0);
- The great functionality in this preprocessor is namespaces.
- namespace namespace_name { ... }
- Variables not supported yet.
- Stock functions are supported.
- Forward&Public is not supported due to CallRemoteFunction
- Every namespace is turned into prefix by Q.
- To save from length(because pawns function name limit is 31), namespaces has id.
- Namespaces has currently 3 functions automatically.
ns_id Returns id of namespace.
ns_name Returns name of namespace
ns_prefix Returns prefix of namespace. It is ("n" + ns_id + "_") (n0_, n01_, ...)
- Examples: n0_functionName, n0_getMe, n1_GetLol
namespace out {
stock println () {
printf("Namespace id: %d, name: %s, prefix: %s" , ::ns_id(), ::ns_name(), ::ns_prefix());
new str[256];
new str2[256];
$str = "hello" + " world";
new numb = 5;
new Float:flo = 45.0;
$str2 = "Str 1 contains:" + $str + " and a number: "
+ .numb + " and a float: " + :flo
+ " and now manuel flo: " + '0.2f'flo;
printf("%s", str2);
/* as you can see namespaces can be divided aparts */
namespace out {
stock println2() {
namespace bb2 {
stock println3() {
Q will compile it like that:
stock n0_ns_id() { return 0; }
stock n0_ns_prefix() { new _prefix[10]="n0_"; return _prefix; }
stock n0_ns_name() { new _name[64]="out"; return _name; }
stock n0_println(){
printf("Namespace id: %d, name: %s, prefix: %s", n0_ns_id(), n0_ns_name(), n0_ns_prefix());
"System.\n Out.println");
"System.\n out.println");
new str [256];
new str2 [256];
format(str, sizeof(str), "hello world",0);
new numb =5;
new Float:flo =45.0;
format(str2, sizeof(str2), "Str 1 contains:%s and a number: %d and a float: %f and now manuel flo: %0.2f",str,numb,flo,flo,0);
stock n0_println2(){
stock n1_ns_id() { return 1; }
stock n1_ns_prefix() { new _prefix[10]="n1_"; return _prefix; }
stock n1_ns_name() { new _name[64]="bb2"; return _name; }
stock n1_println3(){
- If you want to call namespace function in same namespace you have to add '::' operator beggining of the function.
- If you want to call namespace function outside namespace you have to add '(namespace_name)::' operator beggining of the function.
- Download '.zip' package. If you want to compile yourself, you have to install MinGW.
- Otherwise copy '.zip/pawno' folder contents into 'your server/pawno'
Source + Binary
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Abagail - 07.03.2015
What's the advantage of using this? And what exactly does this do?
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Ahmad45123 - 07.03.2015
Does this compile the script or what does it do, lol ?
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Rancho - 07.03.2015
Originally Posted by Abagail
What's the advantage of using this? And what exactly does this do?
It is written in first message.
@Ahmad: It is preprocessor. Means, It pre-compiles your script and then compiles it with pawncc.exe.
Basically think like that:
Pawn preprocessor changes A to 5.
namespace a {
stock b() { }
Q preprocessor changes namespace a to n0_ and a::b to n0_b();
It is expression-replacer , adds new features to Pawn scripts.
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Chaser98 - 08.03.2015
Very nice! Do you plan on adding more OOP features such as classes, objects, and methods?
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Kaperstone - 08.03.2015
What the Q stands for ?
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Smileys - 08.03.2015
I love the new formatting :3, using format is so annoying lol.
1 question though:
What if you have a bunch of formats in your script, and a bunch of the stuff you can do with your preprocessor to format, will it work fine?
Re: QPreprocessor 1.0.0[experimental release] -
Rancho - 08.03.2015
Originally Posted by Chaser98
Very nice! Do you plan on adding more OOP features such as classes, objects, and methods?
Of course, QLexicalAnalyzer can recognize classes and methods. I haven't add them into QParser yet.
Originally Posted by Kaperstone
What the Q stands for ?
Nothing, I just love Q prefix.
Originally Posted by Smileys
I love the new formatting :3, using format is so annoying lol.
1 question though:
What if you have a bunch of formats in your script, and a bunch of the stuff you can do with your preprocessor to format, will it work fine?
I didn't get your question well but probably the answer is "Yes, it will work fine." Can you give me an example?