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dialog - TuNiSiAnO1 - 06.03.2015

Hello i want to change just the number 123 color and the rest i want kept it the original dialog color but its changed as well

PHP код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,54,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"blala","{FF0080}123: balalala ","Close,""); 

Re: dialog - Ritzy2K - 06.03.2015

uhm get the hex code of that "orignal" color and change it to -

{orignal}blabla {FF0080}123: {OOrignalbalalala hope i helped somehow

Re: dialog - TuNiSiAnO1 - 06.03.2015

is this the only way?, and how i can get hex of the orginal color? sorry

Re: dialog - Ritzy2K - 06.03.2015

Edit: sorry for 2 same messages it due to lag/weak net since its bad weather here since week.. whats ur orignal color? ill get u the hex code...+ m from phone or else id have supplied u with the hex color image...its also available at samp wiki tho

Re: dialog - JaydenJason - 06.03.2015

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,54,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"blala","{FF0080}123:{FFFFFF} balalala ","Close,"");