sprites - Printable Version
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sprites -
beckzy - 04.03.2015
Is there a list anywhere of all sprites? I searched and the tool I found is a broken link. Thanks!
Re: sprites -
beckzy - 04.03.2015
Update: I have found a link that works, but the application doesn't work on Windows 7. I have also found this ..
.. but it is incomplete. Does anyone know where I can find a full list?
Re: sprites -
Evocator - 04.03.2015
Originally Posted by ******
I've removed the download links - please remove the sprites from being included and instead have people extract their own. Those files are part of San Andreas and copyrighted, so I'm afraid you can't distribute them.
Re: sprites -
beckzy - 04.03.2015
There must be a full list of sprites somewhere. The ability to use sprites is pretty useless if nobody knows their names.
Re: sprites -
beckzy - 04.03.2015
You can close this thread now I have found a list of sprites. Thanks to those who helped (no-one).
Re: sprites -
Kyle - 04.03.2015
Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
You can close this thread now I have found a list of sprites. Thanks to those who helped (no-one).
Are you serious? The thread was only open for 3 hours...