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Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Printable Version

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Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Derexi - 04.03.2015

I have a command that creates a jetpack for a player, but when they press enter and the jetpack appears next to them, I need to detect if they walk into it. How can I do this?

Re: Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Ritzy2K - 04.03.2015

Uhm....I don't really get you...but if u want to see if the player enters jetpack after being on foot...m not sure if m saying.right...but under OnPlayerUpdate u can check if a player's SPECIAL_ACTION_FOOT or ONFOOT m not sure changes to SPECIAL_ACTION_JETPACK hope I helped m newbie so I couldn't make a code

Re : Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Golimad - 04.03.2015
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    if(pickupid == 370)
        // code
     return 1;

Re: Re : Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Jimmy0wns - 04.03.2015

Originally Posted by Gamer_Z
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Where did you get id 370 from? Are you sure this works? Did you test it?
How about you use your mind and look it up?
Or what about testing it? hmm

Re: Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Djole1337 - 04.03.2015

Should work fine.

AW: Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Kaliber - 04.03.2015

The pickup model, is not the pickupid!!!

So you must do sth like this:

PHP код:
new jetpack;
jetpack CreatePickup(370,...);
pickupid == jetpack)
// code


Re : Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Golimad - 04.03.2015

Sorry I forgot to mention the source.
And Kaliber is right

Re: Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - nickdodd25 - 04.03.2015

Why are you thinking that onplayerpickup gets called for jetpacks? You didn't test that did you? The only possibly way it can is if the server created a pickup for jetpacks, then yes onplayerpickup will get called.

He would need to use the SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK method, so Djole1337's method he suggested would be the best bet.

Re: Re : Detecting when a player picks up a jetpack - Vince - 04.03.2015

Originally Posted by Jimmy0wns
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How about you use your mind and look it up?
Or what about testing it? hmm
I'm fairly sure that was a rhetorical question because I'm pretty sure that he already realized that it, in fact, would not work; pickupid != modelid.