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Help need with a gps system - Printable Version

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Help need with a gps system - semaj - 03.03.2015

Can someone help me out by pointing me in the right direction i have been looking for a few days now and i have tried a few GPS systems but they don't work can some one point me to one that works


Re: Help need with a gps system - Schneider - 03.03.2015

Here you go:

Re: Help need with a gps system - duteba - 03.03.2015

I have a GPS system,it's very good.
Try this:
This is a Filterscript,just open pawno,click new.And paste this code.

/fsave [name] - Example: Go to LSPD or where u want on Pickup and type /fsave LSPD.
/fedit [old name] [new name] - Edit the old name of location.
/gps - Open a dialog and select the place where u want to go
/turnoff - Turn off the gps.