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fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - Printable Version

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fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - hhaaoo123 - 28.02.2015

pawno\include\YSI/ : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins"
pawno\include\YSI/ : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "y_timers/impl"

y_plugins code
#if defined Streamer_IncludeFileVersion
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_OBJECTS
		#define IPS_MAX_OBJECTS (20000)
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_PICKUPS
		#define IPS_MAX_PICKUPS (5000)
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_CPS
		#define IPS_MAX_CPS (1000)
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_RACE_CPS
		#define IPS_MAX_RACE_CPS (1000)
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_MAP_ICONS
		#define IPS_MAX_MAP_ICONS (2000)
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_3D_TEXT_LABELS
		#define IPS_MAX_3D_TEXT_LABELS (1000)
	#if !defined IPS_MAX_AREAS
		#define IPS_MAX_AREAS (1000)
	#include <streamer>

#if defined WP_Hash

//#if defined gps_AddPlayer
//	#define _YSI_PLUGINS_GPS
//	// This plugin was included later on in the script and found first time,
//	// include it here in the second compile pass.
//	#include <RouteConnector>
//	#include "y_gamerzps"

#if defined SetTimerEx_

#if defined mysql_function_query
	// BlueG R7 MySQL
#elseif defined mysql_init
	// StrickenKid MySQL
#elseif defined mysql_debug
	// BlueG R5/R6 MySQL
	// No MySQL
y_timers/impl =

Can anyone help me to fix this? I got this error on my gamemode

Re: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - MasonSFW - 28.02.2015

Update your include - Link

Re: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - hhaaoo123 - 28.02.2015

I just downloaded and installed it... Version 3.1

Re: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - hhaaoo123 - 01.03.2015


Re: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - BeesSi - 01.03.2015

Have you tried to install the whole YSI includes ?

Re: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - hhaaoo123 - 02.03.2015

Yes, I installed the whole thing..

Re: fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "internal\y_plugins" - hhaaoo123 - 03.03.2015
