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[FilterScript] Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Printable Version

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Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 28.02.2015

Its my 4th release and this time I made a Leviathan Magnet. Its a basic script and I will update it and add new features time to time.

What's this?
This scripts adds a Magnet under all the Leviathan on you server. It allows you to carry vehicles from one place to another. You can press H (KEY_CROUCH which is horn key in vehicle) to carry a vehicle when magnet is just over it and press H again for dropping it.
[NEW] Press and hold Y to move the magnet upward and Press and hold N to move the magnet downwards.

The attached car can pass objects as well as solid ground.[Fixed using MapAndreas plugin]

(Not always works, maybe because of limitations of MapAndreas plugin)

Watch in HD.
(Version 1.0 Picking up and dropping vehicle)

(Updated version 2.0 Picking Up, Dropping vehicle and moving magnet up and down)

Updated version requires MapAndreas 1.2.1. Download it from here:

Please don't claim this as yours and do not re-release it with or without any edits.


Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Michael B - 28.02.2015

Great! I was searching for something like this! I noticed that in a mission from single player and I wanted to make something similar for my server.


Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 28.02.2015

Originally Posted by R3N3X
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Great! I was searching for something like this! I noticed that in a mission from single player and I wanted to make something similar for my server.

You'r welcome mate. Any suggestions?

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - amirab - 28.02.2015

nice idea , i like that

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Michael B - 28.02.2015

Originally Posted by De4dpOol
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You'r welcome mate. Any suggestions?
Looks good, but the update rate for the vehicles position should be increased, so it won't flip suddenly like that.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - hamzajaved780 - 28.02.2015

nice idea.. will be useful for rp servers.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - dionisak0s - 28.02.2015

It is not a bug, Leviathan can be parked on water lol

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Dry - 28.02.2015


Nice idea.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Arastair - 28.02.2015

Nice, but what updates? This is a simple thing you can't improve it that much

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Finnick - 28.02.2015

Wow, That's Good Idea, Thanks Dude

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Abagail - 28.02.2015

Your missing the "reason" param in the OnPlayerDisconnect callback. I am suprised you didn't get any warnings telling you it was missing.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 01.03.2015

Originally Posted by amirab
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nice idea , i like that

Originally Posted by R3N3X
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Looks good, but the update rate for the vehicles position should be increased, so it won't flip suddenly like that.
I tried 1, 2, 20, 50 milliseconds in SetTimerEx but still I saw not much difference. I will try my best to improve it.

Originally Posted by hamzajaved780
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nice idea.. will be useful for rp servers.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by dionisak0s
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It is not a bug, Leviathan can be parked on water lol
LOL, I didn't knew that. Thanks for telling xD

Originally Posted by Dry
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Nice idea.
Thanks mate.

Originally Posted by Arastair
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Nice, but what updates? This is a simple thing you can't improve it that much
Well I meant adding features like movable magnet, I will add more features as soon as I got an idea.

Originally Posted by Finnick
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Wow, That's Good Idea, Thanks Dude
Thank you and welcome!

Originally Posted by Abagail
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Your missing the "reason" param in the OnPlayerDisconnect callback. I am suprised you didn't get any warnings telling you it was missing.
Yea, I am surprised too. It compiles fine with and without reason parameter.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Kapersky™ - 01.03.2015

Everythings' fine, nice FS.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 01.03.2015

Originally Posted by Kapersky™
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Everythings' fine, nice FS.
Thank you!

Script Updated! Now the bug (Vehicle can pass through ground) is fixed by using the MapAndreas plugin.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 02.03.2015

BUMP! Update: Magnet movements are added now you can move the magnet up or down by holding Y and N.

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - mustajab97 - 02.03.2015

OMG thats the thin i was w8ing for.....
Keep it up!

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 02.03.2015

Originally Posted by mustajab97
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OMG thats the thin i was w8ing for.....
Keep it up!
Thank you

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Excel™ - 02.03.2015

Didn't checked the code but good!

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - Pillhead2007 - 02.03.2015

thought u was using my code buts its not the same, check my post and see if you have the same bug ? anyway rep +_

Re: Leviathan Magnet by De4dpOol. - De4dpOol - 03.03.2015

Originally Posted by Excel™
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Didn't checked the code but good!
Thanks man.

Originally Posted by Pillhead2007
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thought u was using my code buts its not the same, check my post and see if you have the same bug ? anyway rep +_
First of all no, I wasn't using your code, thats just the only way to do it by using a timer as AttachVehicleToObject does not exist. I decided to make it when I saw [ame][/ame]
And No I don't have that bug when the vehicle is unoccupied as the range to attach the vehicle is very small but I haven't tested it with someone in the vehicle.
EDIT: Make sure that you are right before you post something wrong about someone, it is ok that you posted here but there is no need to post anything wrong about me in other threads.