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Curious Cheat - Printable Version

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Curious Cheat - Ygzeb - 23.02.2015


Currently I am owner of a zombie server. Recently, a group of cheaters entered to disturb my players when there are no moderators or administrators online.

I am curious about how this cheat works. Apparently they kill players by moving them up or increasing the player's speed.

It is a bit difficult to ban them because they use dynamic IPs and proxys. Actually I am hiring more moderators to prevent this, but it would be interesting to know how this works for future cheats; or even better, how to prevent it.

High quality video recorded by a moderator:



The cheaters who use this cheat call themselves the "Mouras", that is why the name of the video.

Sorry if the logo of my server counts as advertising. If it does, I would appreciate that a moderator deletes this thread.


Additional data:

My server is in spanish, Beta version. It has a good anticheat system, so we do not need many moderators; but this cheat is not detected by our system.

Actually I am developing a teleport prevention system that probably will detect this cheat; but maybe not. Also, I would like to know how this cheat works.

Thanks for your attention and your time

Re: Curious Cheat - Cookland - 23.02.2015

This is very interesting, I've never seen anything like it, so this is fairly new to me too. It would be cool to see peoples solutions too, so I can use it on my own server.

Re: Curious Cheat - Jake187 - 24.02.2015

looks more like its teleporting into the vehicles and dragging them back by teleporting them back once in driver seat, can u conform is this done only to people in vehicles?

Re: Curious Cheat - DizzyMofo - 25.02.2015

I remember i was playing on a server once, and a hacker joined, he was doing the standard nooby hacker stuff like airbreaking and whatnot, and then he teleported me ontop of a building, and i ended up falling off and dying. Its really annoying, seems similar to what was shown in the video.

Re: Curious Cheat - billy123321 - 25.02.2015

Is this video of the victim or the hacker? I'm going to assume the hacker as you're /aka'ing him. Looks like a form of player slapper, generally works by:

1. Entering a vehicle.
2. Setting a very high velocity.
3. Smashing into a player to send them flying.

Re: Curious Cheat - Whizion - 25.02.2015

I used this to stop a similar cheat on my server, maybe it will help you too:

pawn Код:
public OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate(vehicleid, playerid, passenger_seat, Float:new_x, Float:new_y, Float:new_z, Float:vel_x, Float:vel_y, Float:vel_z)
    new Float:dist = GetVehicleDistanceFromPoint(vehicleid, new_x, new_y, new_z);
    if(dist > 15)
        return 0;
    return 1;
You may have false positives sometimes with paused players or players jumping out of cars/motorcycles but there's no kicking or baning involved so it's harmless.