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[GameMode] [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Printable Version

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[COD]Extreme Warfare v 1.0 [Unique Mapping] - Suresh - 22.02.2015

This is my first gamemode which is released in the samp server.This gamemode is made from cod.
You need not change the version as it is already in [0.3z]

Gamemode Features:
*New capturing zones(20+ capturing Zones)
*Asia Team & russia Team Added
*Desert Airport Remapped
*Progress bar for capturing zones Added
*Some new classes are added
*headshot for sniper class added
*Usa base swifted
*some dialog boxes were removed and were replaced with textdraws
*Advanced SaveStats System

The gamemode is edited by me & aslan.You have the permission to reedit or release this gamemode.
Some Minor bug which lags the server are in the server.
Bug fixed minors are accepted
Gamemode belongs to Ray Gaming 2015-2016.


Scipting:Aslan(aka satheesh) & suresh(Eagle)

Mapping:Myself(aka suresh)

Server images:

Special credits to x4life for his scratch.

Credits to other include & samp developers.

Download here:

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Rog - 26.02.2015

nice edit Satheesh

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Suresh - 27.02.2015

Originally Posted by Rog
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nice edit Satheesh

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - semara123 - 27.02.2015

maybe u can add laser bomb to enemy base
btw nice GM keep it up !

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - awoo - 27.02.2015

Nice, i like the class selection textdraws... but as you can see, it would be better if you hide the logchat on the class selection...

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - HydraHumza - 27.02.2015

Really nice +REP

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Suresh - 27.02.2015

I will add in next update . Its mysql

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Cxilo3 - 15.03.2015

Nice gamemode ji

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Suresh - 17.03.2015


Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - kapilb - 21.03.2015

Nice man

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - xAzKingx - 21.03.2015

nice script man

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Suresh - 22.03.2015

Thanks Dudes

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - ognyanov - 03.04.2015

What is the max admin level ?

Re: [0.3z]Extreme Warfare TDM|DM v1.0 - Dan. - 21.06.2015

Class choosing is copied from my gamemode and you are giving credits to yourself?