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Mysql R7 include and plugin link - Printable Version

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Mysql R7 include and plugin link - PowerF - 22.02.2015

can someone upload a new plugin and include link of mysql r7?
in original thread the links are broken for me.

Re: Mysql R7 include and plugin link - arakuta - 22.02.2015

Why R7? You can find the actual version R39-3 at the official repository.

Re: Mysql R7 include and plugin link - PowerF - 22.02.2015

i want test a GM.i need R7 :3

Re: Mysql R7 include and plugin link - PowerF - 22.02.2015

bump.c'mon guys.

Re: Mysql R7 include and plugin link - xXSPRITEXx - 22.02.2015

Here ya go!

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