Radar gun, trying to display more than one result. -
Dokins - 19.02.2015
pawn Код:
CMD:speed(playerid, params[])
if(LoggedIn[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_GREY, "You must be logged in to use this command.");
new vehicles = 0, vehicid;
if(Faction[playerid] != 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOUR_GREY, "You are not a member of the police.");
new string1[256], string2[512];
for(new vehicleid =0; vehicleid<MAX_VEHICLES; vehicleid++)
new Float: vPosX, Float: vPosY, Float: vPosZ;
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, vPosX, vPosY, vPosZ);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50,vPosX, vPosY, vPosZ))
new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, x, y, z);
if(floatround(floatsqroot(((x*x)+(y*y))+(z*z))*156.666667*0.641371192) > 0)
Vehicles[vehicleid][vid] = vehicleid;
Vehicles[vehicleid][vmod] = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) - 400;
Vehicles[vehicleid][vspeed] = floatround(floatsqroot(((x*x)+(y*y))+(z*z))*156.666667*0.641371192);
printf("1 vehicle");
format(string1, sizeof(string1),""COL_WHITE"%s "COL_RED"%d MPH "COL_WHITE"("COL_GREEN"%s"COL_WHITE")", VehicleNames[Vehicles[vehicleid][vmod]],Vehicles[vehicid][vspeed], VehPlate[Vehicles[vehicid][vid]]);
/*else if(vehicles > 1)
format(string2, sizeof(string2),"%s\nVEHICLE: "COL_GREEN"%s "COL_WHITE"SPEED: "COL_GREEN"%d MPH "COL_WHITE"LICENSE: "COL_GREEN"%s",string1, VehicleNames[Vehicles[vehicleid][vmod]],Vehicles[vehicled][vspeed], VehPlate[Vehicles[vehicleid][vid]]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SPEEDCHECK, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "VEHICLE SPEED RADAR", string1, "Close","");
return 1;
I'm putting them into a list dialog, how would I get it to display more than one result, my commented areas are an attempt that didn't work.
Re: Radar gun, trying to display more than one result. -
Beckett - 19.02.2015
pawn Код:
format(string1, sizeof(string1),"%s"COL_WHITE"%s "COL_RED"%d MPH "COL_WHITE"("COL_GREEN"%s"COL_WHITE")\n",string1,VehicleNames[Vehicles[vehicleid][vmod]],Vehicles[vehicid][vspeed], VehPlate[Vehicles[vehicid][vid]]);
Remove string2.
Re: Radar gun, trying to display more than one result. -
Dokins - 19.02.2015
I didn't assume it was that simple, thank you.
Re: Radar gun, trying to display more than one result. -
zT KiNgKoNg - 19.02.2015
By the looks of it you're just using the command to display the speed of 'X' vehicles, but aren't you better off using something that calculates what the "Gun" is aiming at, then getting the Vehicles speed that way but its all upto you, just a suggestion.
Re: Radar gun, trying to display more than one result. -
Beckett - 19.02.2015
-Wrong post, I apologize-