enterible buildings -
semaj - 19.02.2015
Can someone help me with making a enterible building
This would be the door entrance and using the LV police HQ as the interior
door exit spawn point outside
not sure if its CreateDynamicPickup or CreateDynamicObject witch is used for doors
Re: enterible buildings -
CalvinC - 19.02.2015
Create a command called /enter and /exit.
With /enter:
Check if the player is in range of the outside point of the building
Then if he is, use
SetPlayerPos to set the player's position to the inside coordinates.
Do the same with /exit, check if they are at the inside coordinates, if so, SetPlayerPos to the outside coordinates.
Re: enterible buildings -
semaj - 19.02.2015
am trying to do it without any commands using CreateDynamicObject
Re: enterible buildings -
CalvinC - 19.02.2015
Can you be a bit more specific how you want to make the player enter/exit a building then?
If you want it to be when he picks up a pickup, use
OnPlayerPickUpPickup and
SetPlayerPos in there instead.
Re: enterible buildings -
semaj - 19.02.2015
i have posted it on pastebin to have a look
Re: enterible buildings -
semaj - 19.02.2015
there is already ones there but as i dont understand how its done am not sure
Re: enterible buildings -
CalvinC - 19.02.2015
First declare a name we're gonna use for the pickup, do something like this in the top of your gamemode:
Then create the pickup in OnGameModeInit, and give it the name we created:
pawn Код:
PickupOutside = CreatePickup( ... );
Then to detect if you picked up that pickup, use this in OnPlayerPickUpPickup:
pawn Код:
switch(pickupid) // Creates a switch, checking "pickupid", which will return the name of the pickup picked up
  case PickupOutside: SetPlayerPos(playerid, ... ); // If the pickup name was "PickupOutside", SetPlayerPos to the interior
  // Other cases etc...
Then you do the same with other pickups, just give them different names, and add more cases in the switch.
EDIT: Or you can use the "if"'s instead of a switch like in the gamemode, but i recommend using a switch.
Re: enterible buildings -
semaj - 19.02.2015
with that interior when i go in the marker it takes me to the LV police HQ and than i spawn out there how would i fix that issue?
Re: enterible buildings -
CalvinC - 19.02.2015
Use some other coordinates to another interior.
Re: enterible buildings -
semaj - 19.02.2015
not sure what you mean