h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
HY - 19.02.2015
* NOTE: This it's an big update from this!
Dynamic House Creating:
An house can be created very easy with one single command: (/house)
This system has an in-built saving system with Dini, thanks to DracoBlue.
You can store cash if you're owner to specified house, and you can withdraw cash amount, anytime, if you're in house.
This system it's havin' a stilish and user-friendly textdraw bar, who everybody can use it, even if you're newbie.
You can simply upgrade your house's interior & price with command: /upgrade.
This system have also (of course) some basic house commands. Commands can be found In-Game by writing in chat: /hcmds.
If you don't like created house, then you can simply remove it by Textdraw bar, and DELETE textdraw.
pawn Code:
1. Download Solidfiles pack;
2. Unrar archive;
3. Put h-Houses.pwn & h-Houses.amx in your 'filterscripts' folder;
4. Create an 'Houses' folder in scriptfiles;
5. Enter in server.cfg and at 'filterscript' line put: 'h-Houses';
6. Exit from server.cfg and save;
7. Open your server;
8. Done! Use /House to start creating house, and use /hcmds to see all curently commands from script;
* NOTE: Also, you need some includes, wich can be found in solidfiles pack.
How to use?
This it's a very good question. After installing filterscript, you need to go
In-Game. There, type
F6 or
T, and write:
/House. A textdraw bar will appear down, there you can set your custom
price &
level. Press on
'Price' textdraw to set your custom price, and press on
'Level' textdraw to set your own level. Please, be sure
PRICE can't be higher than:
999,999 $, and
level, can't by higher than:
5, then your house cannot be created. After setting/editing, you have to press
ESC, then press
C to enter in
Enabled mode. After you entered in
Enabled mode, you need to press on
LMB to create house's with
price &
level from textdraw bar. Pressing second time on
C will put you in
Pauzed mode, there you can edit
price, level again. All house are saving in
/scriptfiles/Houses/, so you won't lose any house, and every player can store safely cash in them houses.
- Pastebin;
- Solidfiles;
Re: h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
Finnick - 20.02.2015
WoW Its Very Good Script, Nice Job Dude REP++ For You !!!
Re: h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
De4dpOol - 20.02.2015
Very nice job. +rep
Re: h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
M0HAMMAD - 20.02.2015
perfect !
Re: h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
HY - 20.02.2015
Originally Posted by De4dpOol
Very nice job. +rep
Originally Posted by Finnick
WoW Its Very Good Script, Nice Job Dude REP++ For You !!!
Originally Posted by M0HAMMAD
perfect !
Re: h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
TheSnaKe - 22.02.2015
Nice one and good job, +rep enjoy
Re: h-House: Create a house anywhere, dynamic house creating! -
HY - 23.02.2015
Originally Posted by TheSnaKe
Nice one and good job, +rep enjoy