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Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - Printable Version

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Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 18.02.2015

All of those functions are good defined. Yesterday, didnt have this problem. I worked on a DS and fixed some minnor bugs but i dont remember to do something that could affect those functions.
Pickups and gametexts doesnt load.
None of players get payday even though they were connected at least 30 mins.
Any solutions?

Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - CalvinC - 18.02.2015

Show the code.

Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 18.02.2015

		else if(PlayerToPoint(3.0,i,2057.2795,-1907.8834,13.5469))
		    GameTextForPlayer(i, "~w~Tasteaza /getlicense", 5000, 5);
Thats for Gametext.

I cant add my all OnGamemodeInit and public Payday, the forum wont let me.

Here is where the payday supposed to act.

if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 5)
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 6\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
			    // Dobanda
				if (key != 255 && !strcmp(playername2, HouseInfo[key][hOwner], true)) tmpintrate = 5;
				else tmpintrate = 3;
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 7\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
			    checks = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 8;
			    ebill = SBizzInfo[7][sbEntranceCost];
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 8\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
			    TaxValue += TaxPerPlayer;
			    /*if(ForbbidenTV[i]) { SendClientMessage(i,0x0DFF00FF,"Pentru ca te uitai la TV, nu ti-ai primit salariul !"); continue; }*/
			    ConsumingMoney[i] = true;
			    GivePlayerCash(i, checks);
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 9\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
			    if(account > 0 && (PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] != 255 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 255))
			    { // Daca am bani in banca si (daca am casa sau bizz)
			    	account -= ebill;
			    	SBizzInfo[7][sbTill] += ebill;
				else ebill = 0;
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 10\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
				if(!IsAFK[i]) interest = (account/1200)*(tmpintrate);
				else interest = 0;

				PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] = account + interest;
				PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= TaxPerPlayer;
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 11\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "|___ STATUT BANCAR ___|");
				format(string, sizeof(string), "  Salariu: $%s   Taxe: -$%s", GroupDigit(checks), GroupDigit(TaxPerPlayer));
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, string);
				if(PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] != 255 || PlayerInfo[i][pPbiskey] != 255)
				    format(string, sizeof(string), "  Factura electricitate: -$%s", GroupDigit(ebill));
					SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, string);
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 12\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
				format(string, sizeof(string), "  Balanta: $%s", GroupDigit(mylastmoney));
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD1, string);
				    case 3:	SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD2, "  Dobanda: 0.3 %%");
				    case 5: SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD2, "  Dobanda: 0.5 %%");
				format(string, sizeof(string), "  Dobanda primita: $%s", GroupDigit(interest));
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD3, string);
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD4, "|--------------------------------------|");
				format(string, sizeof(string), "  Balanta noua: $%s", GroupDigit(PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]));
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD5, string);
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 13\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
					format(string, sizeof(string), "  Chirie: -$%s ( %s )", GroupDigit(rent),de_unde);
					SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GRAD5, string);
					format(string,sizeof(string),"Pentru ca nu ai suficienti bani ( $%s ) , ai fost dat afara din casa lui %s.",GroupDigit(afara),HouseInfo[key][hOwner]);
					SendClientMessage(i, 0x96AC53FF, string);
				GameTextForPlayer(i, "~y~~h~Ziua Platii~n~~w~~h~Salariul", 5000, 1);
				/*format(entry, sizeof(entry), "ID %d - Debug 14\n", i);
				fwrite(hFile, entry);*/
				PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] = 0;
				PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] = 0;
					PlayerInfo[i][pConnectTime] += 1;
				    PlayerInfo[i][pAFKTime] += 1;
And here is a Pickup

AddStaticPickup(1239,1, 246.9308,1930.5734,17.6481);
The strange part is that, those pick-ups are working:

		if(HouseInfo[h][hOwned] == 0)
			AddStaticPickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]/*,ALL_VIRTUAL_WORLDS*/);
			/*format(string,sizeof(string),"[ID: %d]\nAceasta casa este de vanzare\n\tPret: %s$",h,GroupDigit(HouseInfo[h][hBuyPrice]));
			HouseLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(string,0xE64F4FAA, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez], 25.0, 0, 1);*/

Btw, this may be a problem?

[20:10:11] Loaded.
[20:10:11] Loading plugin:
[20:10:11] Failed (/usr/lib32/ version `CXXABI_1.3.5' not found (required by plugins/
[20:10:11] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:10:11] Loaded.
[20:10:11] Loaded 2 plugins.

I dont acctually know what is for so..

EDIT about profiler: i understand now how can you use it, but still, dont think that he is the problem.

EDIT2: Ok, i have another ideea. The gamemode i run isnt mine but was ok first time when i tested. So, i saved the original .pwn. I compiled it and run on the server. I have the same problems. This may be from MYSQL? Or its from gamemode?

Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 18.02.2015

Ok, i think that my problem is from:

public PayDay:
public OnGameModeInit:
public CustomPickups:

My best guess: the public payday doesnt load at all, same CustomPickups. OnGameModeInit loads only a half maybe, dunno :-/. All static textrdraws are loaded, vehicles too.

Any chance to get help from you guys?

Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 19.02.2015

Some1, pls? I really need to solve this..

Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 19.02.2015

Well, i found another problem. The jailtime doesnt countdown, text showen with textdraw doesnt work too.

What is the connecton between all of this? 2 days ago everything was perfect :-/. I dont remember to f***ed something up.

Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 19.02.2015


Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 20.02.2015


Re: Problem pickups/gametexts/payday - abyss. - 21.02.2015

Cmon, nobody know whats wrong with my gamemode?