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tatoorobbedrecently Prb - s3ek - 12.02.2015

tatoorobbedrecently =30 is not work
i can rob just 1 times !!

PHP код:
#pragma unused params // we dont need the params
if(IsPlayerInDynamicCP(playeridCP_tatoo)) // Checking if player is in the checkpoint
tatoorobbedrecently >=1//checking if tatoo shop has been robbed recently
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED"The shop has been robbed recenty. Please wait"); // sending error message
return 1;
ROBBING_TATOO[playerid] = 5// setting the robbery timer
tatoorobbedrecently =30// Time the players needs to wait for starting an another robbery in the same place
    else {
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_RED"ERROR:You need to be near the Shop"); // Sends a SCM Your not on a Checkpoint.

Re: tatoorobbedrecently Prb - xStunt - 12.02.2015

Try add timer

Re: tatoorobbedrecently Prb - s3ek - 12.02.2015


Re: tatoorobbedrecently Prb - CalvinC - 12.02.2015

To create a timer, use SetTimer.
pawn Код:
SetTimer("Test", 1000, false); // Initiates a timer, use in functions
// "Test" - The public function to call when the timer is done
// 1000 - The time untill the timer is done in milliseconds
// false - If the timer should repeat infinitely(true) or not(false), use KillTimer to stop repeating timers

forward Test(); // Forwards the public function
public Test() // The public function that get's called when the timer is done
    // Codes
But it shouldn't be needed, as it could lag your server if you have many of these timers.
Can you show where you decrease the "tatoorobbedrecently" value?

Re: tatoorobbedrecently Prb - s3ek - 12.02.2015


#pragma unused params
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][team] == TEAM_LVCOP || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] == TEAM_LSCOP || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] == TEAM_SWAT || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] == TEAM_ARMY || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] == TEAM_LVARMY) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You cannot use this command!");
new rbank;
rbank = random(5);
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) > 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You must be innocent to rob The Bank");
return 1;
if(CloseToBank(playerid) == 999)
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You can only rob the bank from the Transactions Checkpoint inside the bank");
return 1;
if(BankRobbedRecently >=1 ) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"The Bank has been robbed recenty. Please wait");
return 1;
if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) == 0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][team] != TEAM_LVCOP || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] != TEAM_LSCOP || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] != TEAM_SWAT || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] != TEAM_ARMY || PlayerInfo[playerid][team] != TEAM_LVARMY)
if(BankRobbedRecently == 1)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~The Bank~n~~w~robbed recently~n~try again later",5000,5);
return 1;
if(BankRobbedRecently == 0)
case 2:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Robbery Failed",5000,3);
new plwl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid);
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, plwl +1 );
BankRobbedRecently = 1;
return 1;
case 4:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Robbery Failed",5000,3);
new plwl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid);
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, plwl +1 );
BankRobbedRecently = 1;
return 1;
case 5:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Robbery Failed",5000,3);
new plwl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid);
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, plwl +1 );
BankRobbedRecently = 1;
return 1;
new rcash = random(100000);
new str[128];
new plwl = GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid);
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, plwl +3);
new pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
for(new i=0;i<GetMaxPlayers();i++)
if(LawEnforcementRadio[i] == 1) {
format(str,sizeof(str),"DISPATCH: (BANK ROBBERY) %s(%d) has robbed LV City Bank",pname,playerid);
format(str,sizeof(str),"%s(%d) has just robbed $%d from LV City Bank",pname,playerid,rcash);
BankRobbedRecently = 1;
return 1;
return 1;
RecentCrime[playerid] += 200;
return 1;

// Time the players needs to wait for starting an another robbery in the same place

it work in command /rabobank

pleas any on fix this command like /robbank


CMD:robthis(playerid, params[])
#pragma unused params // we dont need the params
if(IsPlayerInDynamicCP(playerid, CP_tatoo)) // Checking if player is in the checkpoint
if(tatoorobbedrecently >=1) //checking if tatoo shop has been robbed recently
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "The shop has been robbed recenty. Please wait"); // sending error message
return 1;
ROBBING_TATOO[playerid] = 5; // setting the robbery timer
tatoorobbedrecently =1; // Time the players needs to wait for starting an another robbery in the same place
else {
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR:You need to be near the Shop"); // Sends a SCM Your not on a Checkpoint.
return 1;