SA-MP Server : Problem with starting / Linux / FileZilla -
Bugger - 12.02.2015
Hi guys! I need a help about samp server starting ( LINUX ) with filezilla.
Ok, so this is problem:
When i upload samp server files for linux, on my gpanel using filezilla, and start server, edited server.cfg, everything that i need, server stats is not showing, server is offline. So, i need a help to fix this problem.
Re: SA-MP Server : Problem with starting / Linux / FileZilla -
NoSoap - 12.02.2015
Are you hosting it yourself or with a provider? If you are with a provider, they generally stop you from uploading .exe/.dll files (or the linux equivelent), and they won't work. I'd ask your host to update your server is that's the issue.
If not, have you checked your commandline in your game panel, is it actually running the server file? Because if it isn't running the server file, that's your problem.
Can you provide logs too?
Re: SA-MP Server : Problem with starting / Linux / FileZilla -
Bugger - 12.02.2015
With a provider. I don't have and logs, when i go to WEB FTP, there is no logs. Server isn't starting, and i don't get any error message about server starting failed..
Re: SA-MP Server : Problem with starting / Linux / FileZilla -
NoSoap - 12.02.2015
I'd ask your provider to update the server for you (unless its a VPS).
Many gamehosts stop you from uploading executables etc. to prevent you uploading viruses and such-like to their systems. By uploading these files you've overwritten the default ones (I'm assuming) and it therefore won't start.
It's a different story If you are using a VPS, in which case you need to setup the commandline/bat-file to run it from the control panel (or whatever the linux equivalent is).
Re: SA-MP Server : Problem with starting / Linux / FileZilla -
ZombieNest - 12.02.2015
Get putty, enter ip and login etc then go to your directory of sa-mp folder like:
cd mysampfoldername
cd = the command change directory
Then use chmod +x announce samp03svr samp-npc
then use nohup ./samp03svr &
then close putty..
if you have vps
Nevermind I know your country or ISP blocked it..
Close Malware Anti Bytes if you have
Download Private Tunnel
Choose server etc
and then connect
and try!