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[Ajuda] warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - Printable Version

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warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - Mirathir - 12.02.2015

To tentando adicionar a funзгo de salvar as armas aqui no meu servidor mas tб dando esse erro:

gamemodes\teste.pwn(87) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	if(dini_Isset("armas.ini",PlayerName(playerid))) GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,dini_Int("armas.ini",PlayerName(playerid)));


public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)


public OnGameModeInit()
    if(!fexist("armas.ini")) dini_Create("armas.ini");
OBS: Primeiro post aqui, entгo desde jб peзo desculpas se postei errado.

OBSІ: A linha 87 й a if(dini_Isset("armas.ini",PlayerName(playerid))) GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,dini_Int("armas.ini",Pla yerName(playerid)));

Re: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - VinnyScript - 12.02.2015

Substitua o Dini por Dof ;-; faz a mesma coisa e responde melhor

dini_Exists		        DOF2_FileExists
dini_Remove         	DOF2_RemoveFile
dini_Create         	DOF2_CreateFile
dini_Set			DOF2_SetString
dini_Get         		DOF2_GetString
dini_IntSet                 DOF2_SetInt
dini_Int         	        DOF2_GetInt
dini_BoolSet               DOF2_SetBool
dini_Bool                   DOF2_GetBool
dini_FloatSet 	        DOF2_SetFloat
dini_Float      		DOF2_GetFloat
dini_Unset       		DOF2_Unset
dini_Isset       		DOF2_IsSet