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Remotely closing the connection for a player - Printable Version

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Remotely closing the connection for a player - Puppy - 07.02.2015


I am working on a plug-in, and wish to know if I can somehow remotely close the connection on a player without giving the "Server closed the connection" message.

Something kind of like this
native Kick_(playerid);

Which would kick them from the server, without showing any server closed the connection messages(and preferably no "%s left the server" messages...

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - GWMPT - 07.02.2015

Natively, it's not possible.

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - Puppy - 07.02.2015

But is it possible? And how could I do it? Using RPCS / raknet functions?

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - GWMPT - 07.02.2015

Originally Posted by Puppy
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But is it possible? And how could I do it? Using RPCS / raknet functions?
It would be possible if you "memory hack" the sa-mp server network layer(raknet)

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - Tamer - 07.02.2015

Ask Kurta999

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - DRIFT_HUNTER - 07.02.2015

Impossible, that message is not sent from server, its a message client prints when connection is terminated (Not lost). To remove that message you have to modify samp client.

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - iZN - 07.02.2015

Why not simply clear the chat window? And about the "%s left the server messages." aren't this possible to remove from OnPlayerDisconnect()? I don't see the point in making such plugin.

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - Puppy - 07.02.2015

Clearing the chat is not efficient, and is not my intent. The only thing I can think of to do this in PAWN is storing EVERY client message sent to each player(last 20), how-ever this would be greatly inefficient.

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - Puppy - 05.05.2015

So is this, or is it not something we can control using network functions?

Re: Remotely closing the connection for a player - Mauzen - 05.05.2015

The client writes that message. This isnt anything the server could control, not even with special packets to the client.
If you want to quietly remove or suspend a player from the game, unsync him using OnPlayerUpdate.

And creating a kick-native that does not call OnPlayerDisconnect would be against the meaning of OnPlayerDisconnect. This would cause more problems than it would solve. Simply setting a flag would be absolutely fine to prevent sending the "left the server" message.