No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} Help please! -
CopKing123 - 06.02.2015
Hello everyone, my problem is gamemode, the gamemode i created works, but when i download others gamemodes, and make it online it doesnt works ;-;
It shows empty when i connect the server with the gamemode!!
pls help me
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
HydraHumza - 06.02.2015
do u check server.cfg that u add correct name of gamemode if u using linux add 1 after the name
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
Clarck - 06.02.2015
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
HazardouS - 06.02.2015
Some gamemodes are not stand-alone. They depend on some plugins, includes etc. If you don't have the correct version of dependecies, the gamemode won't load properly. Recompile the gamemode and check for errors or warnings. Fix all of them, then load your gamemode. Also, don't forget to update your server.cfg file accordingly.
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
kevin1990 - 06.02.2015
@XYzero You answer is 100% wrong lol...
@CopKing123 Do what everyone else said. Make sure your server.cfg gamemode line has the name of the gamemode you are trying to load.
Also, Is your SA:MP version Z? If so, Make sure you update that gamemode. Recompile, get listed errors, Post or fix listed errors. We can go from there.
** Gamemodes that you download are not always the same version as your SA:MP.
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
Tamy - 06.02.2015
I had this problem once, I finally figured out that I wasn't using the correct version of the plugin on the linux, use the plugins compatible with linux if you're running the server on linux machine, not those of windows. Linux plugin must have .so extension so make sure you're using the right one.
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
CopKing123 - 06.02.2015
Guys i tried but not working
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
CopKing123 - 06.02.2015
Here's the Log
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z-R4, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team
[13:06:09] password = "" (string)
[13:06:09] Server Plugins
[13:06:09] --------------
[13:06:09] Loading plugin:
[13:06:09] ==================
[13:06:09] Whirlpool loaded
[13:06:09] ==================
[13:06:09] Loaded.
[13:06:09] Loading plugin:
[13:06:09] ===============================
[13:06:09] sscanf plugin loaded.
[13:06:09] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole
[13:06:09] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[13:06:09] ===============================
[13:06:09] Loaded.
[13:06:09] Loading plugin:
[13:06:09] >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded.
[13:06:09] Loaded.
[13:06:09] Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito loaded ***
[13:06:09] Loaded.
[13:06:09] Loaded 4 plugins.
[13:06:09] Filterscripts
[13:06:09] ---------------
[13:06:09] Loading filterscript 'UltraHost.amx'...
[13:06:09] Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[13:06:09] Script[gamemodes/COD-DW-v1.50.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:06:09] Number of vehicle models: 0
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
CopKing123 - 06.02.2015
Ok here's the problem in my gamemode :-
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "playerprogress"
i tried searching in ****** but it cannot find plss help
Re: No Gamemodes Load!! {+REP} -
Tamy - 06.02.2015
Your script might be using some plugin/include which is defined in your script but isn't placed in the includes or plugins directory, so check all includes/plugins you have defined in the script and check plugins/includes directories.