Server CRASHED / hack crash - Printable Version
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Server CRASHED / hack crash -
gruber494 - 03.02.2015
[7:12:50 p.m.] [chat] [78smoulaCZ]: cc
[7:12:53 p.m.] [chat] [DEXTER]: cc
[7:12:54 p.m.] [chat] [Sunrel]: But you at exactly 1 but Pohopto
[7:12:54 p.m.] [chat] [Sunrel]: But you at exactly 1 but Pohopto
[7:12:54 p.m.] [chat] [RadimecekCZE]: Next stop supertanker
[7:12:56 p.m.] [chat] [78smoulaCZ]:
Always someone comes to my server there is not a second and server crashes every time I look in the server log as the latest news before the fall is blank message perpetrators do not know who's doing it how we do it or why I please help me either on my skype: mccoodla or my email: Do you need advice and I bezradnej server mam mostly original FS mod and mod 8 real countries including FS should be secured well not really know what he please, if you know anything how can thus crashing the server reply with help thanks.
[19:12:50] [chat] [78smoulaCZ]: cc
[19:12:53] [chat] [DEXTER]: cc
[19:12:54] [chat] [Sunrel]: Ale Ty Si 1 strílel ALe Pohopto
[19:12:54] [chat] [Sunrel]: Ale Ty Si 1 strílel ALe Pohopto
[19:12:54] [chat] [RadimecekCZE]: Dalsi zastavka Obří tanker
[19:12:56] [chat] [78smoulaCZ]:
Vzdy mi nekdo prijde na server neni tam ani vterinu a server spadne pokazde kdyz se podivam do server logu jako posledni zprava pred padem je prazdna zprava pachatele nevim kdo to dela jak to dela nebo proc to dela prosim pomozte mi bud na muj skype: mccoodla nebo na muj email: nevim si rady a jsem bezradnej na serveru mam prevazne vlastni FS a mod Realna Zeme 8 mod vcetne FS by mely byt zabezpeceny dobre opravdu nevim co dal prosim pokud neco vite jakym zpusobem lze takto shodit server odpovezte pomozte dekuji.
Re: Server CRASHED / hack crash -
Thoma - 05.02.2015
Why dont you get an Anti-Proxy FS or write your own and ban that user and his IP? what i would do o.0
Re: Server CRASHED / hack crash -
cessil - 06.02.2015
install crash detect and show us what that says