HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
Hello, i have a problem.
I download the gamemode
"PR-RP fixed" and there ShiffeyTheGamer wrote "When you join the server and try to register/login server closed connection, Well here it is today for you guys fixed."
But server also kicked me ( screen: )
What i need to do? Please good people, help me, I very much want this gamemod, but i have what problem :c
Could you please help me?
I will give you a lot of rep
You can answers here or add me on Skype
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
I live in East Europe and maybe i can't download from american sites? I don't know. But people,pls, help me.
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
nezo2001 - 27.01.2015
Post here the code that under OnPlayerConnect
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1;
new string[128], user[128], day, month, year, hour, minute, second;
new num = GetMaxIPs(playerid);
if(num >= 2 && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return Kick(playerid);
//furn system
gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
for(new x=0; x < SELECTION_ITEMS; x++) {
gSelectionFurns[playerid][x] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
gFurnAt[playerid] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Your name is not acceptable please use the format: Firstname_Lastname.");
return 1;
GetPlayerHost(playerid); // Gets the DNS Data
format(string, sizeof(string),"%s (%d) connected to the server.", PlayerName(playerid), playerid);
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Admin") > 0 || GetPVarInt(playerid, "Helper") > 0 || GetPVarInt(playerid, "RegTeam") > 0)
foreach (Player,i)
if(GetPVarInt(i, "CntNames") == 1)
gettime(hour,minute,second), FixHour(hour), hour = shifthour, getdate(year,month,day);
format(user, sizeof(user), "users/%s.ini", PlayerName(playerid));
if(DOF2_FileExists(user) && DOF2_GetInt(user, "Banned") == 1)
if(DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempYear") > 0 && DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempMonth") > 0 && DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempDay") > 0)
new proceed = 0;
if(year > DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempYear")) // If the year is over your tempban year.
DOF2_SetInt(user, "Banned", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempYear", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempMonth", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempDay", 0);
format(string, sizeof(string),"unbanip %s", DOF2_GetString(user, "IP"));
format(string, sizeof(string),"AdmWarn: %s was un-temp banned from Project-Bot.", PlayerName(playerid));
if(month > DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempMonth")) // If the month is over your tempban month.
DOF2_SetInt(user, "Banned", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempYear", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempMonth", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempDay", 0);
format(string, sizeof(string),"unbanip %s", DOF2_GetString(user, "IP"));
format(string, sizeof(string),"AdmWarn: %s was un-temp banned from Project-Bot.", PlayerName(playerid));
if(month >= DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempMonth") && day >= DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempDay")) // If the day is your tempban undue day or above.
DOF2_SetInt(user, "Banned", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempYear", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempMonth", 0);
DOF2_SetInt(user, "TempDay", 0);
format(string, sizeof(string),"unbanip %s", DOF2_GetString(user, "IP"));
format(string, sizeof(string),"AdmWarn: %s was un-temp banned from Project-Bot.", PlayerName(playerid));
if(proceed == 0)
new mtext[50];
switch(DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempMonth"))
case 1: mtext = "January";
case 2: mtext = "February";
case 3: mtext = "March";
case 4: mtext = "April";
case 5: mtext = "May";
case 6: mtext = "June";
case 7: mtext = "July";
case 8: mtext = "August";
case 9: mtext = "September";
case 10: mtext = "October";
case 11: mtext = "November";
case 12: mtext = "December";
if(DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempDay") < 10) format(string, sizeof(string),"You are temporarily banned until %s-0%d-%d.", mtext, DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempDay"), DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempYear"));
else format(string, sizeof(string),"You are temporarily banned until %s-%d-%d.", mtext, DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempDay"), DOF2_GetInt(user, "TempYear"));
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
return Kick(playerid);
return 1;
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
Luis- - 27.01.2015
Here's a tip, don't download leaked scripts.
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
nezo2001 - 27.01.2015
PHP код:
if(num >= 2 && !IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return Kick(playerid);
This check if you NPC "Non charecter player" and sure you are not
So it kicks you.
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
I removed, but this does not solve the problem,server also kicked me
Re: HELP! With "PR-RP fixed" -
imperskiy - 27.01.2015
PHP код:
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(13) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(17) : error 017: undefined symbol "floatdiv"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(17) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(18) : error 017: undefined symbol "floatmul"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(18) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(19) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(26) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(35) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(52) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(54) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(63) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(81) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(97) : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(109) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnConnectInit")
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(111) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(112) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(113) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(114) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(115) : error 017: undefined symbol "RemovePlayerAttachedObject"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(116) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(116) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(117) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(118) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(119) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(120) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(121) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(122) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(123) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(124) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(125) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(126) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPVarInt"
C:\Users\Ilja\Desktop\PR-RP fixed\gamemodes\OnConnect.pwn(127) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerInfo"
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
26 Errors.
Maybe someone have normal PR-RP gamemode? With no bugs,
Or help me with that gamemode
i will give a lot of rep