Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 22.01.2015
Hello there sa:mp scripters.
I have a problem with one of my scripts. I used CreatePlayerObject and when i chose in dialog to destroy that PlayerObject (DestroyPlayerObject function) it didn't work - the object is at his x,y,z position. So that's why i created this thread hoping that you might help me.
Re: Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 22.01.2015
any suggestions?
Re: Object won't destroy -
Ironboy - 22.01.2015
No one can help you out without seeing the way you scripted, mind posting the code
Re: Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 22.01.2015
for example like this - its in onplayerdisconnect - tested in game, object didin't disappear
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX; i++)
//the Item is Item[playerid]=Create... when player choose in dialog
Re: Object won't destroy -
Anuris - 22.01.2015
Show the whole code.
Re: Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 22.01.2015
this one is for destroy
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX; i++)
this one is for create
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX; i++)
Item[playerid] = CreatePlayerObject(i,ItemID[playerid],x,y,z-1,0,0,0,0.0);
Re: Object won't destroy -
Anuris - 22.01.2015
pawn Код:
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX; i++)
Item[i] = CreatePlayerObject(i,ItemID[i],x,y,z-1,0,0,0,0.0);
pawn Код:
for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS_EX; i++)
Re: Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 22.01.2015
This is bullshit coz it will destroy everyones Item. I just need when the current player destroys it (via dialog), it will change the HaveItem = 0 (done) and other player won't see that Item-Object anymore. At this part when player does it(destroys object) it do not disappear.
Re: Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 23.01.2015
bump, any help?
Re: Object won't destroy -
Riso135 - 23.01.2015