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The South American will be released in this version? - Printable Version

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The South American will be released in this version? - Servidor_BRASIL - 21.11.2008

South America will be released in this version of SA-MP? Or we will continue to be blocked? Several can not connect to servers in South America, because they can not find Ip's ... This is my doubts! Please I ask to release = (

I have a server and it starts with Ip 200.!


Ps: I'm from Brazil = D

Re: The South American will be released in this version? - d0 - 21.11.2008

this has nothing to do with release

only with unban

i think when kye shut down the old masterserver he will unblock south america

Re: The South American will be released in this version? - Servidor_BRASIL - 21.11.2008

OMG, Thanks for the answer = D ^ ^

And hopefully he quit soon uahsas

Thanks! thanks! and Thanks!!!

Re: The South American will be released in this version? - mamorunl - 21.11.2008

You should thank your fellow people from your continent for creating a botnet that has lead to this in the first place..

Re: The South American will be released in this version? - Servidor_BRASIL - 22.11.2008

My people? My people are Brazil and not South America, and even where I know what I was doing this funny is from Argentina, and a scrotum of those, we will all have to suffer?

Re: The South American will be released in this version? - Souljah88 - 24.11.2008

Originally Posted by [NT
SpeedDevil ]
You should thank your fellow people from your continent for creating a botnet that has lead to this in the first place..
Wow.... thats some stupid shit you just said. You need to think before you post. 1 person attacks sa-mp and you say its his fellow people? dont be such a tard

Re: The South American will be released in this version? - weedarr - 24.11.2008

Actually is a botnet or something, like thousands of people who have been infected with a virus.
