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[Ajuda] Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - Printable Version

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Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - oliverarrow - 14.01.2015

pawn Код:
new cabecastring[128];     
        format(cabecastring, sizeof cabecastring,"%s \n HP: %.1f | AR: %.1f",PlayerName(i), GetPlayerHealth(i) , GetPlayerArmour(i) ); // warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
        SetPlayerChatBubble(i, cabecastring, COLOR_WHITE, 100.0, 10000);

Re: Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - ZeZin - 14.01.2015

pawn Код:
%s \n HP: %.1f | AR: %.1f
Nгo seria %i

Re: Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - oliverarrow - 14.01.2015

Nгo, esse .1f quer dizer tipo 1.0, nгo 1 e getplayerhealth e getplayerarmour tem que ser chamados como float
E alйm do mais o erro nгo estб aн, jб tentei trocar
Nem no \n, nem no | nгo sei o que й

Re: Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - JonathanFeitosa - 14.01.2015

Que erro й ?

Re: Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - oliverarrow - 14.01.2015

// warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
format(cabecastring, sizeof cabecastring,"%s \n HP: %.1f | AR: %.1f",PlayerName(i), GetPlayerHealth(i) , GetPlayerArmour(i) );

Re: Pq erro SetPlayerChatBubble? - WendeLKILL - 14.01.2015

pawn Код:
new Float:Heatlh,Float:Armour;
pawn Код:
new cabecastring[70];
format(cabecastring, sizeof cabecastring,"%s \n HP: %.1f | AR: %.1f",PlayerName(i), Health , Armour );
SetPlayerChatBubble(i, cabecastring, COLOR_WHITE, 100.0, 10000);
Vocк errou nos parвmetros do GetPlayerHealth e GetPlayerArmour.