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VPS for 500 slot server - Printable Version

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VPS for 500 slot server - Cyber123 - 11.01.2015

I want server with 500 slots .. and what kind of equipment do I need ?? how much ram , procesor , etc ??

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - Alex Magaсa - 11.01.2015

What server are you starting?
If its a roleplay don't add 500slots cuz i know people will laugh. start your servers with 29 - 50 slots maximum and if you see more people coming increase the slots.

You will need 1GB but depends on if you add MySQL/phpMyAdmin too (i would say 2GB and more)

Also: I forgot to mention that vps host location matters too.

AW: VPS for 500 slot server - Saize - 11.01.2015

Its not about the Serverslots, itґll always depend on how many people are playing on your server

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - MD5 - 11.01.2015

Lol, why do you want a server with 500 slots? I highly doubt you'll obtain that amount of players.

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - Samp_India - 11.01.2015

Just Rent a OpenVZ VPS with 2 GB RAM.If you want a cheap deal.PM me.

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - rymax99 - 11.01.2015

There is no definite answer. If you use a cheap hosting provider that overloads their nodes on cheap hardware, you'll struggle regardless of what you rent from them. If your script is very inefficient, it'll also struggle even on decent hardware. Your best bet is to make sure whatever script you're using is halfway efficient and to rent a server from a provider that doesn't have too good to be true prices and that has a good reputation. That being said, I'd recommend

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - www - 11.01.2015

Why not to buy a game server ? he is not expensive like a VPS

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - Cyber123 - 11.01.2015

Thanks all for suggestions .. for start i will create 50 slots this is good suggestion and if i had 50 players on open i will set on 100 and more ..

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - rymax99 - 11.01.2015

Originally Posted by www
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Why not to buy a game server ? he is not expensive like a VPS
Find a decent host that offers SA-MP hosting. I'm not saying that there aren't any out there, I'm just not aware of any that I'd go near. The key is to stay away from the ones that have people constantly advertising here in their signatures and what not, as they're usually the worst, as well as they're usually the fly-by-night ones.

Re: VPS for 500 slot server - Cyber123 - 11.01.2015

I can buy server with 500 slots for 20€/23.5 $ with ddos protect and i will get 50 slots ts3 .. this is bet offer for me ..