2015 may bug it? -
]Rafaellos[ - 08.01.2015
Hello guys, few months ago I wrote a system that it does find me inactive players that they haven't join the server for more than 2 months. (It's not that accurate, but it does it's work)
So, I knew that when 2015 comes out, it should get bugged. So I made a simple check to be sure, but I'm not that sure if it's join to work.
pawn Код:
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT `LastLogin` FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = '%s' LIMIT 0, 1", DB_Escape(hInfo[h][Owner]));
Result = db_query(Database, Query);
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "LastLogin", Date, 32);
if(!sscanf(Date, "p</>ddd", sDay, sMonth, sYear))
if(sYear != Year)
//sMonth = The last month player joined. Month = the current month.
//So if player joined in the 10 month and now it's 1, (10 - 1) = 9, so 2 months. The same with (11 - 2) = 9, (12 - 3) = 9.
if((sMonth - Month) <= 9)
hInfo[h][IsOwnerInactive] = 1;
else if((Month - sMonth) >= 2)
hInfo[h][IsOwnerInactive] = 1;
I Know that it could be written with a better way, but I don't really have that time to do it.
Any advice? It will work or it's going to return false results.
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
Spookieman - 08.01.2015
It is like a mono time set...
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
]Rafaellos[ - 08.01.2015
Originally Posted by ******
This is why people use timestamps.
It's too late to use Timestamps. I'm currently saving it as "08/01/2015 - 10:28:14".
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
Jessyy - 08.01.2015
Originally Posted by ]Rafaellos[
It's too late to use Timestamps. I'm currently saving it as "08/01/2015 - 10:28:14".
a? perhaps it's time to change the system, because the current one is not so good
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
]Rafaellos[ - 08.01.2015
I wish I had the time to do it. Anyway the problem is any advice if it's going to bug or something, not to improve my System.
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
rickisme - 08.01.2015
Why u don't have time to convert that ? Just run a simple query on mysql, edit function check time
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
]Rafaellos[ - 08.01.2015
Because I serve in the army and my time home is limited.
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
BroZeus - 08.01.2015
For the similar thing I made this
Have a look at it, its similar to timestamps but in days only so
So according to your script it will be something like this -
pawn Код:
new diffrence = DateToJulian(todayY, todayM, todayD)-DateToJulian(sYear, sMonth, sDay);
if(diffrence >= 60)//60 days
//inactive for two months
Re: 2015 may bug it? -
rickisme - 08.01.2015
look at this :
pawn Код:
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(LastLogin) FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = '%s' LIMIT 0, 1", DB_Escape(hInfo[h][Owner]));
Result = db_query(Database, Query);
db_get_field_assoc(Result, "LastLogin", Date, 32);
if(gettime() - strval(Date) >= 5259486) // 60 days = 5259486 secconds
hInfo[h][IsOwnerInactive] = 1;