Forum. -
Clad - 31.12.2014
Hello guys,
I am going to create my own forum but I do not know which one I should exactly choose.
So please tell me, Should I use php or mybb ? Or is there any other better ?
Re: Forum. -
Kaperstone - 31.12.2014
You can't know until you try.
One can be more comfortable for you than another.
Re: Forum. -
Lannister - 31.12.2014
I prefer SMF personally. Fast and easy to learn.
Re: Forum. -
Younes44 - 31.12.2014
SMF it's good xD...
or use vBulletin xD (joking)..
use MyBB it's good xD
Re: Forum. -
DRP - 31.12.2014
I have been playing on few samp communities and I preefer MyBB
Re: Forum. -
LivingLikeYouDo - 31.12.2014
phpBB is great, also MyBB is great, also SMF is great, also every free forum isn't always great.
I go with phpBB or myBB
Re: Forum. -
Diabloa - 31.12.2014
I would go for phpBB.
Re: Forum. -
Koenigsegg - 31.12.2014
vBulletin if you got the money.
Re: Forum. -
Cookland - 31.12.2014
phpBB is by far the easiest for me, but it's because I've grown to using it.
It really depends on which you prefer.
Re: Forum. -
Johny32 - 31.12.2014
phpBB is good