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[FilterScript] Duelsystem[zcmd] - Printable Version

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Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 29.12.2014


Hey guys,

i made a Duelsystem which i want to share now with everyone.


- Easy /duel [id], /accept and /cancel commands.
- /duellist command to see all running duels.
- /endduel command if you want to end the duel.
- /duelbet [id] [amount] command for duelbets.
- The duelmap made by myself some time ago.
- You can chose two duelweapons.
- You can chose the duelrounds.
- A final result.
- /duelhelp command
- /toggleduel command to enable/disable the duelinvitations


As there are many duelsystems with many parameters, i decided to make a duelsystem which is easy to handle. In my duelsystem you just need to type /duel [id]. When you type it, it will open a dialog with the first duelweapon to chose. Then a dialog with the second duelweapon, then the duelrounds.

When you have chosen the weapons and rounds the duelrequest has been sent. Then the opponent just need to type /accept or /cancel. When he don't respond, the request will be automatically denied after 30 seconds.

Commands: 8

- /duel [id]
- /accept
- /cancel
- /endduel
- /duellist
- /duelbet [id] [amount]
- /duelhelp
- /toggleduel (for admins to enable/disable the duelinvitations)


You use /duel [id]

The request has been accepted

You receive a duelrequest

When you /accept the request

When the duel ends

I placed a bet(Normally the two duelers can't bet on their own duels. Just for the picture. )

My duelbet was wrong. When your bet is correct it will doubles the amount.

The /duelhelp command

The /duellist comamnd

The /endduel command

All pictures:


When you find bugs please write me a message so i can fix them.

Any questions?


Tips/Little Tutorial(How to improve the duelbetsystem)

I thought about an improved duelbetsystem, but to make it we need a savingsystem, which isn't included in my filterscript, so i will explain now how to make it. The duelsystem should be added then into the gamemode.

First we need 2 new variables/constants in our enum. Like this:
pawn Code:
enum PlayerInfo
Duelkills,//Just add those two into your enum, just an example.
Dueldeaths// "
new pInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerInfo];
Now, when someone dies in a duel we higher the value of the duelkills/dueldeaths. This need to be added under OnPlayerDeath in if(Duelrounds[killerid] <=1) and if(Duelrounds[killerid] >1).

pawn Code:
So now we count the duelkills and dueldeaths of the players. Next step is to make something like "betquote".

Therefore i made this little formula: (It compares the ratio of player1 with the ratio of player2. The player with the better ratio will have a lower betquote.)

----------------   = Betquote (player1)
With a pawncode it looks like this:
pawn Code:
new Float: Quote1, Float: Quote2;
            Quote1 =floatdiv(floatdiv(pInfo[playerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[playerid][Duelkills]),floatdiv(pInfo[PID][Dueldeaths],pInfo[PID][Duelkills]));
            Quote2 =floatdiv(floatdiv(pInfo[PID][Dueldeaths],pInfo[PID][Duelkills]),floatdiv(pInfo[playerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[playerid][Duelkills]));
            format(string2,sizeof(string2),"DUEL: {FF00FF}Quote %s: %.2f Quote %s: %.2f.{F0F8FF} You can use now /duelbet [id] [amount] for this duel.",PlayerName(playerid),Quote1,PlayerName(PID),Quote2);
Now we add this piece of code under the /accept command and under the public DelayedDuelSpawn(playerid).

Last thing we need now is to really give (the money the player bet on the duel * the betquote) the won money to the player.

Therefore we need to go to the OnPlayerDeath callback and there we add the following code after we loop through the players which had a bet on the duel.(Under this: if(DuelbetPlayer[i] == killerid) )

pawn Code:
new string[128],Float:Quote,Winamount;
                    Quote =floatdiv(floatdiv(pInfo[killerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[killerid][Duelkills]),floatdiv(pInfo[playerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[playerid][Duelkills]));//That's the quote of the duelwinner.
                    format(string,sizeof(string),"* You won %f from your duelbet.",Duelbet[i]*Quote);//The amount the player bet * the quote of the duelwinner.
                    Winamount = floatround(Duelbet[i] * Quote,floatround_round);//The winamount is the amount the player bet * the quote. We need to round this float to an integer to give the money later to the player.
                    GivePlayerMoney(i,Winamount);//Here we give the winamount to the player.
                    GivePlayerMoney(i,Duelbet[i]);//And here we give the amount back which was placed on that duel.
                    Duelbet[i] = 0;
That's it. With this piece of code you can make the duelbetsystem way better.

Thank you for reading.

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - SpikY_ - 29.12.2014

Nice release

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Younes44 - 29.12.2014

Good Job dude..

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Pitter - 29.12.2014


Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - VincenzoDrift - 29.12.2014


Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Ryz - 29.12.2014

EDIT: nice

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Pottus - 29.12.2014

You could really save a lot of lines here by creating common functions instead of using two lines for stuff like this.

pawn Code:

AW: Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 29.12.2014

Thank you guys.

Originally Posted by Pottus
View Post
You could really save a lot of lines here by creating common functions instead of using two lines for stuff like this.

pawn Code:
True. I will look for it later.
Edit: It's not really needed, but i took that tip serious and made it. Code has after it like 20 lines less.

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Arastair - 29.12.2014

Nice realease jo

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Bingo - 29.12.2014



Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Battlezone - 29.12.2014

Very useful, +rep

AW: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 29.12.2014

Thank you.

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - AgusZ - 29.12.2014

Very Nice Bro +Rep

AW: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 29.12.2014

Hehe, thx

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - JeaSon - 29.12.2014

good job

AW: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 30.12.2014


AW: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 30.12.2014


Look at site 1 for the updated version.

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - MattyMatty - 31.12.2014

Thats my boy FloJo making badass filterscripts yo !
good job man

AW: Duelsystem[zcmd] - Flori - 31.12.2014

Hola, i added a little tutorial for the duelbet.

Little Tutorial(How to improve the duelbetsystem)

I thought about an improved duelbetsystem, but to make it we need a savingsystem, which isn't included in my filterscript, so i will explain now how to make it. The duelsystem should be added then into the gamemode.

First we need 2 new variables/constants in our enum. Like this:
pawn Код:
enum PlayerInfo
Duelkills,//Just add those two into your enum, just an example.
Dueldeaths// "
new pInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerInfo];
Now, when someone dies in a duel we higher the value of the duelkills/dueldeaths. This need to be added under OnPlayerDeath in if(Duelrounds[killerid] <=1) and if(Duelrounds[killerid] >1).

pawn Код:
So now we count the duelkills and dueldeaths of the players. Next step is to make something like "betquote".

Therefore i made this little formula: (It compares the ratio of player1 with the ratio of player2. The player with the better ratio will have a lower betquote.)

----------------   = Betquote (player1)
With a pawncode it looks like this:
pawn Код:
new Float: Quote1, Float: Quote2;
            Quote1 =floatdiv(floatdiv(pInfo[playerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[playerid][Duelkills]),floatdiv(pInfo[PID][Dueldeaths],pInfo[PID][Duelkills]));
            Quote2 =floatdiv(floatdiv(pInfo[PID][Dueldeaths],pInfo[PID][Duelkills]),floatdiv(pInfo[playerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[playerid][Duelkills]));
            format(string2,sizeof(string2),"DUEL: {FF00FF}Quote %s: %.2f Quote %s: %.2f.{F0F8FF} You can use now /duelbet [id] [amount] for this duel.",PlayerName(playerid),Quote1,PlayerName(PID),Quote2);
Now we add this piece of code under the /accept command and under the public DelayedDuelSpawn(playerid).

Last thing we need now is to really give (the money the player bet on the duel * the betquote) the won money to the player.

Therefore we need to go to the OnPlayerDeath callback and there we add the following code after we loop through the players which had a bet on the duel.(Under this: if(DuelbetPlayer[i] == killerid) )

pawn Код:
new string[128],Float:Quote,Winamount;
                    Quote =floatdiv(floatdiv(pInfo[killerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[killerid][Duelkills]),floatdiv(pInfo[playerid][Dueldeaths],pInfo[playerid][Duelkills]));//That's the quote of the duelwinner.
                    format(string,sizeof(string),"* You won %f from your duelbet.",Duelbet[i]*Quote);//The amount the player bet * the quote of the duelwinner.
                    Winamount = floatround(Duelbet[i] * Quote,floatround_round);//The winamount is the amount the player bet * the quote. We need to round this float to an integer to give the money later to the player.
                    GivePlayerMoney(i,Winamount);//Here we give the winamount to the player.
                    GivePlayerMoney(i,Duelbet[i]);//And here we give the amount back which was placed on that duel.
                    Duelbet[i] = 0;
That's it. With this piece of code you can make the duelbetsystem way better. Look at site 1 for the complete version.

Re: Duelsystem[zcmd] - xRadical3 - 07.10.2017

Good Work!