Factions -
TheSnaKe - 21.12.2014
Hello there, can someone explain to me what does those factions do? I mean what are their roles etc...
2-HSF - Highland Security Firm
4-East Side Fellas
Re: Factions -
FaceTutorialz - 21.12.2014
Corleone is a mafia foundation, so is Leone (correct me if I'm wrong), East Side Fellas are a gang. Ancelotti is (from experience from another server) a illuminati-type of faction. HSF is like the FBI except for a certain corporation.
Re: Factions -
Mauzen - 21.12.2014
After all it depends 100% on the server, because the script and the players alone determine what these factions do.
On one server "Leone" might be a mafia family that robs stuff, blackmails people and commits all kidns of crime. On the other server it might a group of purely RP-driven lion-trainers working for a circus.
Re: Factions -
TheSnaKe - 21.12.2014
Well, all of those are types of families something like that expect HSF?
Re: Factions -
Abagail - 21.12.2014
Thats what they
sound like.
Re: Factions -
PrivatioBoni - 22.12.2014
If you don't know what a faction is... don't use it.
Re: Factions -
Diabloa - 22.12.2014
HSF - the name tells what they do... It is a security company based on high locations. Like Angel Pine.
Re: Factions -
Kindred - 22.12.2014
You can look up each and everyone of them on Wikipedia and you'll find out what they do.
Re: Factions -
UpSMaX - 22.12.2014
type of a clan
Re: Factions -
LivingLikeYouDo - 22.12.2014
Type of some factions from the same damn NGG edits.