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error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero - Printable Version

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error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero - Adamoneoone - 19.12.2014

Hello there, i'm getting trouble with that famous 029 error... Here is the log of PAWNO:
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 236: unknown parameter in substitution (incorrect #define pattern)
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : warning 215: expression has no effect
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
D:\SAMP SERVER\Files Server PH\filterscripts\NEW\Admin System.pwn(3633) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

4 Errors.
The error line is the following one :
mysql_query(query, _THREAD_SAVE_PLAYER, playerid, gSQL);
Thanks to anyone who can help

Re: error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero - Raweresh - 19.12.2014

Show that definition _THREAD_SAVE_PLAYER.

Re: error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero - Adamoneoone - 19.12.2014

Here is the definition
#define _THREAD_SAVE_PLAYER     (1)
All my defs

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>  //remove this line if you use DINI  (USE_MYSQL)
#include <sscanf2>
#include <zcmd>

#pragma dynamic 				145000             //Do not change

#define USE_MYSQL				(true)			   //true = mysql_R7 by BlueG | false = dini_1.6 by DracoBlue
#define DINI_PATH       		"Account"          //The dini path if you use DINI

//You dont need this if you use dini
#if USE_MYSQL == true
#define MYSQL_HOST   			""        //mysql server address | if mysql server is running on the same machine as samp use "localhost" or ""
#define MYSQL_USER   			"service_xxxxx"             //mysql user
#define MYSQL_PASS   			"xxxxxxxxxxx"                 //mysql password
#define MYSQL_DB   				"xxxxxxxxxxx"             //mysql database
#define MYSQL_TABLE       		"xxxxxxx"          //The table name where to save

#define RED         			(0xFF0A00FF)
#define DARK_RED                (0x910000FF)
#define GREEN       			(0x73FF00FF)
#define LIGHT_GREEN             (0x9BFF00FF)
#define BLUE        			(0x00A5FFFF)
#define DARK_BLUE               (0x0000FFFF)
#define ORANGE                  (0xFF8200FF)
#define YELLOW                  (0xFFFA00FF)
#define GREY                    (0xAAAAAAFF)
#define BLACK                   (0x000000FF)
#define PURPLE                  (0xA000FFFF)
#define WHITE                   (0xF0F0F0FF)
#define red 				  	"{E10000}"
#define orange					"{FF7E19}"
#define yellow 					"{FF9E00}"
#define blue					"{0087FF}"
#define white 					"{FFFFFF}"
#define green 					"{00FF28}"
#define grey                    "{969696}"

#define SERVER_NAME             "FR/EN]InDevServer"    //your server name

#define MAX_ADMIN_LEVEL   		(10)              //Max. admin level
#define MAX_VIP_LEVEL           (3)               //Max. VIP level

#define USE_AUTO_LOGIN          (false)            //true = enable false = disable
#define MAX_WARNINGS        	(3)               //Max. Warnings before player gets kicked
#define MAX_REPORTS             (10)              //max. reports
#define MAX_BAD_RCON_ATTEMPS    (3)               //Max. bad rcon attemps
#define ENABLE_SPECATE  		(true)            //Enabling the specsystem
#define USE_PM_SYSTEM       	(true)            //Enabling the PM SYSTEM
#define MAX_FAIL_LOGINS         (3)
#define VERSION         		"1.0"             //define version
#define MIN_PASS_LEN            (3)               //min. password lengh
#define MAX_PASS_LEN            (32)              //max. password lengh
#define USE_VIP_SYSTEM          (true)            //true = enable false = disable
#define USE_CHAT_BUBBELS        (true)            //true = enable false = disable
#define USE_ID_MESSAGES         (true)            //eg.: "Mellnik(ID 42): Hello there!"
#define ENABLE_ADMIN_CHAT       (true)            //true = enable false = disable
#define USE_RANDOM_MSGS         (true)            //true = enable false = disable
#define RAND_MSG_INTERVAL       (60)              //random messages interval in seconds
#define USE_ANTI_ADS            (true)            //anti advertising true|false (anti ip in chat)
#define MAX_PING    			(350)             //max. allowed ping | only works if you enable
#define PINGCHECK_TIME      	(2)  	  		  //ping check interval in seconds
#define MAX_EXCEEDS         	(3)       		  //how many times it is allowed to exceed the ping limit
#define OPC_DELAY           	(4)       		  //if you set USE_OPC_DELAY to true, you change the delay until the checktimer for the player will be executed (no need to change this)
#define USE_OPC_DELAY       	(true)    		  //when a player connect he always has a high ping true= player will be checked after he connected (5 seconds) false= player will be checked immediately after he connected (not recommend)
#define IS_ADMIN_IMMUNE     	(true)    		  //is an admin immune against the ping kicker (true|false)
#define SEND_MSG_BYKICK     	(true)    		  //send a message to all when a player gets kicked cause of high ping (true|false)
#define SEND_ADM_BYEXCEED   	(true)    		  //send message to admin when player exceeds the ping limit (true|false)
#define SEND_PMSG_BYEXCEED  	(true)    		  //send a message to player when he exceeds the ping limit (true|false)
#define PRINT_BYKICK        	(true)    		  //print message in server logs when player gets kicked (true|false)
#define LOAD_PLAYER_POS     	(true)            //Should the player pos be be loaded by first spawn?
#define NO_PERM                 "Insufficient permissions" //this is the message which will be send to the player if he hasnt the needed adminlevel

#if USE_MYSQL == true
#define _THREAD_LOAD_PLAYER     (0)
#define _THREAD_SAVE_PLAYER     (1)
#define _FETCH_PLAYER_INFO      (4)
#define _FETCH_BAN_STAT      	(5)
#define _UPDATE_PLAYER_PW       (6)
#define _THREAD_IS_BANNED       (7)
#define _CHECK_PASSWORD         (8)
#define _THREAD_BAN_USER        (9)
#define _CHECK_AUTO_LOGIN       (10)
#define _THREAD_PLAYER_LOGIN    (11)
#define _THREAD_PLAYER_LOGOUT   (12)

#define LOGIN_DIALOG            (10000)
#define REGISTER_DIALOG         (10100)
#define BAN_DIALOG              (10200)
#define VEHICLE_DIALOG          (10300)
#define WEAPON_DIALOG           (10400)
#define STATS_DIALOG            (10500)
#define ADMINHELP_DIALOG        (10600)
#define VTOYS_DIALOG            (10700)
#define VIPS_DIALOG             (10800)

#define UpperToLower(%1) for(new ToLowerChar; ToLowerChar < strlen( %1 ); ToLowerChar ++ ) if ( %1[ ToLowerChar ]> 64 && %1[ ToLowerChar ] < 91 ) %1[ ToLowerChar ] += 32

#define LEVEL_togping           (10)            //command for enable/disabling ping kicker
#define LEVEL_reports           (1)             //command which shows all written reports
#define LEVEL_spec              (1)             //cmd for specing someone
#define LEVEL_onduty            (3)             //same level is for /offduty
#define LEVEL_enable            (10)            //server settings
#define LEVEL_disable           (10)            //server settings
#define LEVEL_adminhelp         (1)             //see all available commad
#define LEVEL_mytime            (1)
#define LEVEL_eject             (3)             //ject someone from a vehicle
#define LEVEL_burn              (3)
#define LEVEL_crash             (4)             //crash the game of a player
#define LEVEL_ip                (3)
#define LEVEL_asay              (1)
#define LEVEL_announce          (7)             //gametext msg to every player
#define LEVEL_goto              (5)             //goto a player
#define LEVEL_get               (8)
#define LEVEL_kick              (5)
#define LEVEL_mute              (4)
#define LEVEL_unmute            (4)
#define LEVEL_ban               (8)
#define LEVEL_warn              (2)             //just a kick warning, by 3 warns player gets kicked
#define LEVEL_slap              (2)
#define LEVEL_setadminlevel     (10)
#define LEVEL_setviplevel       (10)
#define LEVEL_richlist          (1)
#define LEVEL_unfreeze          (5)
#define LEVEL_freeze            (5)
#define LEVEL_clearchat         (9)
#define LEVEL_move              (8)
#define LEVEL_healall           (10)
#define LEVEL_armourall         (10)
#define LEVEL_setallweather     (6)
#define LEVEL_setalltime        (9)
#define LEVEL_cashfall          (10)          //will give everyone 100 score
#define LEVEL_scorefall         (10)          //will give everyone $50,000
#define LEVEL_jail              (5)
#define LEVEL_unjail            (5)
#define LEVEL_wanteds           (2)
#define LEVEL_jailed            (2)
#define LEVEL_frozen            (2)
#define LEVEL_akill             (4)
#define LEVEL_showguns          (1)
#define LEVEL_morning           (1)
#define LEVEL_miniguns          (1)
#define LEVEL_muted             (1)
#define LEVEL_killall           (9)
#define LEVEL_kickall           (9)
#define LEVEL_setallwanted      (9)
#define LEVEL_disarmall         (10)
#define LEVEL_ejectall          (8)
#define LEVEL_giveallweapon     (7)
#define LEVEL_spawnveh          (3)
#define LEVEL_setmoney          (4)
#define LEVEL_setscore          (4)
#define LEVEL_setwanted         (4)

#define VIP_vsay                (2)
#define VIP_mycolor             (3)
#define VIP_myweather           (1)
#define VIP_vtoys               (2)

Re: error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero - Raweresh - 19.12.2014

That definition is wrong, should be a query string, something like that:
#define _THREAD_SAVE_PLAYER "UPDATE players SET ..."

Re: error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero - Adamoneoone - 19.12.2014

Woops, my bad, i changed the includes from my pawno folders by the one provideds in the .rar of the script and now all is good back xD