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Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - Printable Version

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Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - rockerman - 15.12.2014


Problem Solved!

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - rockerman - 16.12.2014

BUMP Pls anyone help!

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - CalvinC - 16.12.2014

Sorry i cannot help with fixing it, but you might be able to remove the Pingkick script to fix it temporarily?

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - AdytzaSS - 16.12.2014

Recompile your GM with -d3. In you pawno folder make a file ( pawn.cfg) and in this file type -d3, save it. Then recompile your GameMode , you will see that in debug mode will show you the exact line of your problem.

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - Banana_Ghost - 16.12.2014

Post the code from PingKick().

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - rockerman - 16.12.2014

Originally Posted by Banana_Ghost
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Post the code from PingKick().
forward PingKick();
public PingKick()
if(ServerInfo[MaxPing] != 0)
PingPos++; if(PingPos > PING_MAX_EXCEEDS) PingPos = 0;

for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
PlayerInfo[i][pPing][PingPos] = GetPlayerPing(i);

if(GetPlayerPing(i) > ServerInfo[MaxPing])
if(PlayerInfo[i][PingCount] == 0) PlayerInfo[i][PingTime] = TimeStamp();

if(TimeStamp() - PlayerInfo[i][PingTime] > PING_TIMELIMIT)
PlayerInfo[i][PingTime] = TimeStamp();
PlayerInfo[i][PingCount] = 1;
else if(PlayerInfo[i][PingCount] >= PING_MAX_EXCEEDS)
new Sum, Average, x, string[128];
while (x < PING_MAX_EXCEEDS) {
Sum += PlayerInfo[i][pPing][x];
Average = (Sum / PING_MAX_EXCEEDS);
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has been kicked from the server. (Reason: High Ping (%d) | Average (%d) | Max Allowed (%d) )", PlayerName2(i), GetPlayerPing(i), Average, ServerInfo[MaxPing] );

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - rockerman - 16.12.2014


Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - rockerman - 16.12.2014


Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - Divergent - 16.12.2014

I don't see any arrays that are out of bounds. Install nativechecker see if you can get any further information from there.

Re: Server getting shut down itself [REPOST] - dominik523 - 16.12.2014

It's either PingPos or PingCount I think
By the way, that code looks really awful.