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Mysql problem - Printable Version

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Mysql problem - Zaec - 14.12.2014

Hello everyone, maybe someone can help me with mysql problem. I need to convert mysql saving from mysql plugin R5 to R8(20)

R5 script
	new Query[200];
	format(Query, 200, "UPDATE houses SET Owner = '%s', Name = '%s', Password = '%s' WHERE ID = '%d'", HouseO, HouseN, HouseP, HouseID);
I tryed like this, but its doesn't work

	new Querynnb[256];
    format(Querynnb, 256, "UPDATE `houses` SET Owner = '%s', `Name` = '%s', `Password` = '%s' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", HouseO, HouseN, HouseP, HouseID);
Thanks for your help +rep

Re: Mysql problem - Zaec - 14.12.2014

Please, someone

Re: Mysql problem - Zaec - 14.12.2014


Re: Mysql problem - DaTa[X] - 14.12.2014

Mysql log ?

Re: Mysql problem - Zaec - 14.12.2014

Originally Posted by DaTa[X]
Посмотреть сообщение
Mysql log ?
[01:54:17] [INFO] Now logging: errors
[01:54:17] [ERROR] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - You cannot call this function now (no result).

Re: Mysql problem - Zaec - 15.12.2014

Nobody doens't know what can be wrong?