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Show report only for admin - Printable Version

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Show report only for admin - Jhony_Blaze - 13.12.2014

How can I make it so this report will show only for me, the admin.

public OnPlayerCheat(playerid, cheatid, source[])
    new elc_str[120],elc_reason[60],elc_name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, elc_name, sizeof(elc_name));
    format(elc_str,sizeof(elc_str),"( ! ) %s has been cheated for: ",elc_name);
        <a href="" target="_blank" alt="Targus Classic+ Toploading Case 13-14.1" title="Targus Classic+ Toploading Case 13-14.1" style="">case 1</a>: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Money Cheat ( %s $ )",source);
        case 2: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Weapon Cheat ( %s )",source);
        case 3: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Ammo Cheat ( %s Bullets )",source);
        case 4: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Ammo Block Cheat");
        case 5: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Speed Cheat");
        <a href="" target="_blank" alt="Targus Lomax Topload Case 15.6" title="Targus Lomax Topload Case 15.6" style="">case 6</a>: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Airbreak/Teleport Cheat");
        case 7: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Health Cheat");
        case 8: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Armour Cheat");
        case 9: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Vehicle Spawn Cheat");
        <a href="" target="_blank" alt="Sumdex Impulse Notebook <a href="" target="_blank" alt="Targus Classic+ Toploading Case 13-14.1" title="Targus Classic+ Toploading Case 13-14.1" style="">Case 10</a>" title="Sumdex Impulse Notebook Case 10" style="">case 10</a>: format(elc_reason,sizeof(elc_reason),"Vehicle Crasher");
	return 1;

Re: Show report only for admin - MD5 - 13.12.2014

You'll need to make a "SendClientMessageToAdmins" stock. It's not hard at all, all you need to do is copy the "SendClientMessageToAll" functions, and use the admin variables. (EG: below)

stock SendMessageToAdmins(string)
    for(new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(playerData[i][adminLevel] > 0)
            SendClientMessage(i, 0xCC000000, string);
    return 1;