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[Map] Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Printable Version

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Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Pilotman21 - 27.11.2014

Hello guys this is my first mapping that i will post here and hopefully not the last.

In short this is a 4 bay Fire Station with 2 floors. On the second floor we have 2 offices along with a gym and a kitchen with some TV space. On the first floor there is enough space to park about 4 Fire Department Vehicle's of your choice (Amount of the space depends on what type of cars you put inside)

Enjoy this map, And please rep if you think that the mapping is good.



Remember to put my name in the credits and rep me please...

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Mark Shade - 28.11.2014

Mhm.. okay. PM me the entire codes on pastebin unlisted.

AW: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Flori - 28.11.2014

Good job man.

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - HaterSamp - 28.11.2014

PM me the codes please
Good Work.

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - V415 - 28.11.2014

Nice work

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - MpK - 29.11.2014

Mhm.. okay. PM me the entire codes on pastebin unlisted.

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - SydthTV - 02.12.2014

Since the OP has failed to provide the source code in the post, here is the pastebin.

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Pilotman21 - 02.12.2014

Originally Posted by SydthTV
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Since the OP has failed to provide the source code in the post, here is the pastebin.
I haven't failed but I just didn't get the time so excuse me for that and yes that's the code I'll edit my post soon and put the link there.....

Re: Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Pilotman21 - 29.12.2014

Anyone want changes to the maps?, just pm me

And remember to rep!!

Re : Fort Carson Fire Department [Useful for RP servers!] - Rloco - 30.12.2014

Good job ! You can give me a code?