Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds - Printable Version
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Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds -
kurta999 - 25.11.2014
I'm very bad at time converting, so please someone complete this function, where I would give player online time in seconds, and it will convert these seconds to hours, minutes and seconds format. Thanks.
pawn Код:
stock ConvertTime(seconds, &hours, &minutes, &seconds)
// :D:D
Re: Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds -
AnthonyTimmers - 25.11.2014
Don't know what variables you're using but I'll go with totalSeconds, hours, minutes and seconds:
pawn Код:
new temp, hours, minutes, seconds;
temp = totalSeconds % 3600;
hours = (totalSeconds - temp) / 3600;
minutes = (temp - (temp % 60)) / 60;
seconds = temp % 60;
Re: Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds -
Banana_Ghost - 26.11.2014
This is very useful and simple information supplied by [HLF]Southclaw.
Re: Convert seconds to hours, minutes, seconds -
M4D - 26.11.2014
you can use this
pawn Код:
stock Sec2HMS(secs, &hours, &minutes, &seconds)
if (secs < 0) return false;
minutes = secs / 60;
seconds = secs % 60;
hours = minutes / 60;
minutes = minutes % 60;
return 1;
new H,M,S,string[50];
new sec = /*Your total seconds here*/