[GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
m1k3 - 01.07.2007
******** Pure RPG gamemode by M1k3 ********
--> Public access due to M1k3's retirement from SA-MP <--
Credit information: The gamemode contains the "xadmin" filterscript, the "advanced actions" filterscript by kyeman and the "echo" filterscript by Tratulla as embed in the gamemode.
In all three cases credits to the authors is given.
If you want to keep the embedded filterscripts keep the credits as well.
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Pure RPG 1.0 (not included in the download)
*** Staged May 27th, 2007 ***
- Payday bugged like every 47 minutes instead of 60
- Auto-kick When not logged in in any case
- /pay as area function paying everyone nearby
- Gamemode admins have full admin powers
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Pure RPG 1.1 (not included in the download)
*** Staged May 29th, 2007 ***
- Payday set to change the worldtime - add one hour - German Time but still 47 inutes.
- Auto-Kick only when trying to spawn as a registred accountname, else reminder to /register
- /pay bound to ID but bugged
- Gamemmode Admin Levels introduced: Level 2 Moderator, Level 5 Admin, Level 10 Owner. No Lvls 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
- /taxidriver and /taxi introduced
- Pickups health and parachutes at skydive centre
- Additional planes at airport and 2 cabbies added instead of 2 taxis
- Helicopters for LSPD and LSFD
- /r combined radio for cops, medics and firemen introduced
- /saveskin and /getskin added but save a skin must be done by the server owner
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Pure RPG 1.2a (not included in the download)
*** Staged May 30th, 2007 ***
- /changename and /changepass introduced for players to control their accounts themselves without owner help.
Things like houses/cars/skins etc. are taken to the new name.
The old name is automatically stored in an info file for the server owner and the old userfile will get deleted by him according to the info file.
- Payday fixed. Comes every 60 minutes now
- Scoreboard set to display the pocketmoney of each player. Refresh rate one second.
- /ATC Pilot radio introduced
- /pay fixed should be working now
- /saveskin works automatically
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Pure RPG 1.2b (not included in the download)
*** Staged June 1st, 2007 ***
- Charter pilot system introduced
- /charter restricted to pilot role
- Andromeda access restricted to pilot role (other roles can fly the Shamal but not as official charter pilot)
- New command /cl for moderators and admins to clear the main chat
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Pure RPG 1.2c (included in the download)
*** Staged June 4th, 2007 ***
- Wanted levels introduced. The more crimes you do the higher your wanted level gets. The higher the wanted level is the more reward a cop gets for jailing a criminal. Wanted levels appear in /wanted and /stats.
- Wanted levels go up to endless and reset to 0 when jailed.
- /watchpilot now working!!!
- Added vehicles for further passenger transportation to SF and LV airports.
- /rob added. You need to be standing next to a player to rob him out. Your gain is a random amount of money between 0 and 10% of the victim's money. Gains above 100$ get your wanted level higher. /rob only works if the victim carries more than 1000$ (due to a bug, see below)
- /Bail added. Depending on your Wanted Level you can pay a bail now (Wanted Level * 1000$) to be released from jail before the 3 minutes timer runs off. After the Timer run out or you paid your bail your Wanted Level is set to 0.
- Bank System added. You can store a part from your money in a 24/7 reachable service bank. To put for example 100$ in your account you use '/deposit 100'. To get them back you use '/deposit -100'.
- Bank account balance can be seen by players for themselves with '/balance'. Moderators and Admins can control bank balances with '/stats [ID]'.
- /stats now displays whether or not a player is registred. Furthermore the last line now says 'Staff: Yes' or 'Staff: No' instead of 'Admin: Yes' or 'Admin: No'
- /setbank added for admins - works like /setpocket but sets the bank account balance of a player
- /fine added for cop - Forces a player to pay the cop an amount between 1$ and 500$
- BUG FIX: /rob [ID] - Gave a random endlesly high amount of money when the victim had less than 10$ in hand (up to 75 millions or so) - FIXED - minimum now 1000
- BUG FIX: /pay [ID] -[amount] - Has stolen the other player an amount of money instead of paying - FIXED
- BUG FIX: Your game camera was completely f**ked up when u entered /unboard while /watchpilot was still on. Even rejoining the server did not help. - FIXED
- BUG FIX: /help said "/commmands" (3 "M") - FIXED
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Pure RPG 1.3 (included in the download)
*** Staged June 07th, 2007 ***
- Minigames "Burn down Area 69" and "Derby on the skydive centre" added
- Spawn cars for cops, firemen and medics in LV and SF added plus class selection "Fireman LS", "Fireman SF", "Fireman LV" etc.
- Role "Senior" now spawns at some farms outside the city area of LS,SF or LV (depending on role) with a single bus as transportation to the city centre (or: /taxi).
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Pure RPG 1.3a (included in the download)
*** Staged June 10th, 2007 ***
- Roles Civilian, Waiter, Security,Criminals and Entertainers also split to LS,SF and LV
- ALL ROLES now playable in ALL CITIES
- /Setcity added to change the city you are playing in
- Additional Spawn Vehicles in SF and LV
- Flight system and taxi system extended to 1 driver/pilot per city. Flights can depart from any city. The LS pilot is still the only one with access to the Andromeda at LSAP.
- Interest Gain with set rate of 4% introduced. Paid out at paydays depending on the height of the bank balance.
- Fuel system introduced. 30 minutes of driving without refueling are possible. /fuel explains all. Checkpoints now disappearing after you refueled at a gas station.
- Auto-Ads every 15 minutes added
- SOS blinking fixed.
- IRC echo introduced.
- /jointeam added. Players can now change their role while keeping the skin they selected.
- Private Vehicles must now be bought. Price: 7.500$. For new players that means do jobs, wait for payday or drive as guest/taxi. Respawn after 55 minutes. /Sell brings 5000 back. /sell to a player can get more money by /pay.
- Public Vehicles such as taxis, helicopters, planes, police cars, firetrucks, ambulances etc. can be used for free, but not bought.
Respawn after 5 minutes.
- /find now finds the location you parked your car and does not respawn it. However it is respawned after 55 minutes and u need to go to where you bought it.
- Drugs system introduced. /drugs shows the balance of drugs. /buydrugs demands a dealer to sell a player-set amount of drugs. /selldrugs sells a player-set amount of drugs assuming the buyer ordered
- Drugs now usable with /usedrugs. Every gram gives 5% health up to 120%.
- Cops can now /drugtest to search ppl of drug consumtion and/or posses. Both get the people's wanted level higher. Cops confiscate a random amount (up to 10% of the overall the person has) when they find drugs (can then be used by themselves)
- /showhouse added. You can see whether and where a player has a house. When a player gets the see the house checkpoint the house owner is informed.
- Admin command /respawnall added. Admins can now respawn all server vehicles so that lost vehicles are at their known place
- BUG FIX: /pay did not recognize IDs above 9 - FIXED
- BUG FIX: /exit did not stop to count down fuel - FIXED
- BUG FIX: Issues with the Area 69 minigame (such as dying when respawn as attacker) - FIXED
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Pure RPG 1.3b (included in the download)
*** Staged June 16th, 2007 ***
- Business system introduced. Players can create, rename and see businesses which get them an additional income.
- Payday updated - other style, business gain added and money goes into the bank account instead of cash on hand.
- /createbiz added. Cost 100.000$ and creates a biz at where the player stands with the given name.
- /bizrename added. Free change of the biz name. The position cannot be changed unless you create a new biz at another spot
- /showbiz added. Works like /showhouse.
- /retire added. Deletes your biz without any refund.
- /bizhelp added. So you can read all you just read here about biz in the server too.
- /lock and /unlock added. When you leave a locked public car it is not accessible for anyone!!! Commands work only IN cars except for your own house car.
- /ad added for business owners.
- At login, all house cars are now highlighted on the radar and locked!
- /wiretransfer added. Works like /pay, but transfers money from bank account to bank account.
- /suspect added. For cops. Sets people suspect of crime (Wanted Level 1 only and only when they are not wanted already).
- /GTA added. For criminals. The criminal tries to picklock another players locked private car. he needs 5 minutes for that during which he cannot move until he aborts the picklock try with /exit. The car owner gets informed and can call the police. PRIVATE CARS ARE NOW STEALABLE WHEN THEY ARE OWNED. NO MORE AUTO-REMOVE!!!
- BUG FIX: /exit uncuffed cuffed players - FIXED
- FIX: /Respawnall now UNLOCKS all cars and respawn them (in case public cars got unusable due to /lock.
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Pure RPG 1.3c (included in the download)
*** Staged June 19th, 2007 ***
- Cop License added. Only licensed players can play the cop role.
- Lawyer License added. Only licensed players can use /lawyer when a court session is running
- Court System added. Between Cuffing & Jailing there is now a court. The person who sued the suspect (around 98% a cop) becomes the judge. A licensed lawyer can become the suspect's lawyer. The jude decides '/guilty yes' or '/guilty no'
- /jail is now /sue
- /jail now teleports as visitor to the jail
- /visit now teleports as visitor to the court
- /sue added. After a /check wanted people can be sued by anyone (mostly the cop who jailed them) on sight. The suer becomes the judge.
- /guilty added. Must be used by the judge to decide whether or not a wanted person should go to jail.
- /lawyer added. The lawyer defends the suspect and gets /pay buy him/her for that.
- /rules is now /laws
- /backup added. For Medics,Firemen and cops. Sets a red checkpoint at where you stand and writes a radio message to your collegues to help you
- /mute and /unmute added. For moderators and up.
- /unwanted added. For server owner. Sets a player's wanted level to 0.
- Bug Fix: /fine did only know IDS up to ID 9 - FIXED
- Bug Fix: /sue player was not properly teleported to court as judge - FIXED
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Pure RPG 1.4 (included in the download)
*** Staged June 22th, 2007 - July 2nd, 2007 ***
- Trains and maybe trams WORKING
- Admins can change the server weather WORKING
- Dropable Weapons after death (Can be picked up)
- More cars in all all parts of San Andreas
- More types of cars (Sanchez etc.)
- More weapon pick ups: Sniper rifle
- Clock on top right WORKING
- dancing and hands up WORKING
- additional actions (by kyeman) WORKING
- smoking (eventually)
- House cars can be saved modded
- Out of character and in game character chat now marked differently. On join, players are set to speak ooc until they enter /rpg. you can go back to ooc anytime with /ooc.
CHARACTERS speak in /rpg. PLAYERS in /ooc. WORKING
- IRC ECHO now displays OoC chat too WORKING
- No more auto bans WORKING
- /ad now works every 15 minutes. every player can place a new ad after 15 minutes now. WORKING
- /setpocket and /setbank fixed to recognize IDs above 9 WORKING
- Real time player clock WORKING
- Scoreboard displaying cash again WORKING
- Real time clock fixed - NO MORE FLASHING! WORKING
- Payday now no more auto timer but depends on the real time player clock setting WORKING
- /settime (X level 10) now changes the world time AND player clock WORKING
- Welcome message speaks of /LOGIN and /REGISTER instead of /XLOGIN and /XREGISTER since X is only needed by admins WORKING
- Staff members can /goto and /gethere from outside to inside or from one interior into another interior (make sure the teleported person is on foot!!!) WORKING
- /gethere now x level 7 WORKING
- /rob without any ID now robs a nearby store and gives the player a random amount up to 1000$. Works once every 15 minutes WORKING
- /accept now gives a red checkpoint to the taxi driver at where the customer stands WORKING
- /bookings added for pilots to review the list of booked flights WORKING
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Since July 1st: Pure RPG becomes accesible for the public because the server shuts down
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One last wish:
The gamemode gives credits to me both in source and after compile. Please leave the credits as their are and add you name like "Original gamemode by M1k3. Edited for this server by ...."
Download link for Pure RPG gamemode source (.pwn)
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
m1k3 - 01.07.2007
Pure RPG - The Gamemode - An Introduction
Be sure to check out this short intro video
The content is what the name says.
Pure RPG offers the opportunity to play realistic roles in teh San Andreas World.
All three big cities (LS,SF and LV) are playable in many roles.
This gamemode is a pure RPG gamemode there is no DM in it.
How is that realized!?
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Well, of course, every class and role has a little amount of weaponery given for self-defense purposes, but every kill while the killer had more than 30% health is considered a "non life-defending situation" and the killer becomes wanted for murder.
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The amount of money a player has is automatically saved when the player leaves the server. Still, other players can rob money from the player's purse if they approach him. Therefore, a bank system offers the player the security of having his money saved in a bank where it cannot be robbed.
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Any player can buy,sell and use drugs. One gram gets 5% health up to 120%. Anyway, cops can find out about the drug use up to 1 hour after it and confiscate up to 10% of the overall carrying drug amount.
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All vehicles can be driven for 30 minutes in a row. Anyway they lose fuel while being driven and therefore must be refueled.
Using a command, players get the position of one of two set fuel station in their city. Driving there, and only there, they can refuel their car for the sake of RPG realism.
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Once in a while, a staff member starts a minigame such as a Destruction Derby on top of a skycraper or "Burn Down Area 69".
"Burn Down Area 69" is a team based minigame alloweing DM. There is an attacker team (red team) and a defender team (light green).
The Attackers must try to set a fire as big as they can at the military base. The Defenders must either defend the base directly using a M4 assault rifle or indirectly using fire extinguishers and firetrucks to fight the set fire.
Team assignment is done by the picked role, the city the players played in does not matter and is not touched.
During the game (1 minute preperation + 3 minutes running) DM is allowed and respawning at the base is provided.
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Non-DMing cops and realsistic court system
Cops can not kill "criminals" - or who they think is a criminal - as for them the 30% rule counts too.
Cops need a 4-step-RPG-procedure to get a "criminal" in the jail.
1) Put handcuffs on him. He needs to cooperate and stand still while the cop needs to approach to 5 meters next to him.
2) Check his status with the mobile. The HQ will process the request and check whether to guy is wanted.
In this time, he tries to uncuff himself which, if the cop is not fast enough, can succeed.
3) Sue the criminal. The cop still does not know from HQ if the criminal is wanted. When he is on the run, the cop needs to approach up to 5 meters again to sue.
Sueing works if the criminal was wanted, if not, the cop is punished.
4) The person who sued becomes the judge. The court room is filled by the suspect, the judge, a lawyer and voluntary visitors.
The judge then brings forward the case, listens to suspect and lawyer and decided whether or not the suspect is guilty.
If the cop kills the suspect in a non-life defending situation he becomes wanted and get his police badge removed automatically.
Other cops can jail him then without needing to check (Step 2).
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Wanted levels
The more crimes a player commits the higher His/Her wanted level gets.
The higher the wanted level of a jailed person is, the higher is the reward the cop gets for jailing him/her using the 3-step-RPG procedure.
The wanted level drops to 0 when a wanted person is jailed.
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Intelligent taxi system
One player per city ( = 3 players maximum) on the server can be the official taxidrivers and drive people to where they want. The people need to order a taxi and give a little info for the driver.
The driver then can decide whether or not he wants to accept the job and sends an information about the fare to the customer.
When the customers pays (at the destination or before), the job is completed.
The taxidriver is responsible for the area around his city only. People requesting a taxi in a city area are automatically assigned to that city's driver.
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Intelligent charter flight system
One player per city ( = 3 players maximum) can be the official charter pilots and fly people to where they want using a Shamal Jet or the big Andromeda Jet. The people need to book a flight and give a little info for the pilot e.g. desitination or parachute drop-off point.
The fare for the is set flight is transacted automatically at booking.
Before the flight the passengers (can be more than one) must board the plane. They are inside the plane then, but can watch the pilot fly. Therefore, the pilot cam can be switched on and off by every passenger.
When the pilot allows the passengers to unboard (Andromeda: Green Light for jump - Shamal: On the blocks at the destination airport) the passengers can unboard and are set outside the plane depending on where the pilot is.
At the Andromeda this is normally somewhere during the flight - but Andromeda passengers recieved a parachute on boarding
People booking a flight in a city area are automatically assinged to their city's pilot.
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Every player can open and organise a business. The player sets the business position and name. At creation, a biz tax percentage is set depending on the start capital the biz has and varietes with growing/shrinking capital. The minimum tax fee is 5%.
At payday, the business gains the player additional money depending on the current capital and the fixed tax fee (which is set one time atthe business opening and is not changed no more).
Furthermore, other players can become customers of the business and pay the owner to sell goods or services to them which is even more gain.
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Car and house ownership
Every player can temporarely own one of the server's cars.
This car is his one and he can find it whereever he parked it on the server.
Anyway, it can be picklocked when it is locked and stolen and/or jacked.
In this case, the insurence helps out, though.On the other hand, he cannot use other cars until he sold his one.
Furthermore, after a donation players can constantly own a house and cars. They get their private car as soon as they connect and can use it immediately.
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Payday system
Every full hour is payday. The players get a set amount of money depending on the role they play.
Of course cops e.g. get paid more by the department than a granny with her small pension.
Furthermore, a fixed percentage of 4% of the bank account's balance is granted as interest gain and a business gain which varietes due to market changes and tax settings.
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
m1k3 - 01.07.2007
OK people I decided to leave SA-MP I wish u some fun with what I created and maybe you will have more succes with it than me
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Littl3j0hNy - 01.07.2007
HI your Gamemode Crashed !
I started my Server and than Crash
I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg
It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least.
BUT i have that Right !
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
opp - 01.07.2007
Got this message when i run the server:
***** SERVER INITIALIZED ***** - Worldtime 0
and the server closes itselfs.
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Littl3j0hNy - 01.07.2007
yes , i have that too !!!
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
F!reball - 01.07.2007
could U plz post the .amx file? Doesnt work for me the pawno
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Littl3j0hNy - 01.07.2007
Here is the .AMX !!
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
[xA]Ramjet - 01.07.2007
It would seem that I am the only one that has actually read the pwn file...
must create an
echo folder in your
scriptfiles directory inorder for this to work without crashing at runtime.
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Littl3j0hNy - 01.07.2007
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
joosty - 01.07.2007
OK, can some1 add me on msn/email me and send me the file dini.inc (which should be found in pawno\include). I miss it and need it for much scripts..
my msn/email is
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Azz - 01.07.2007
Go to your SAMP Server folder.
There should be a folder called "scriptfiles"
Double click that so you are in the scriptfiles directory.
Inside there create a new folder called "echo".
That's all.
Now my question: :P
I've done all the above and stuff and can get the server to load up.. but.. once anyone connects the server closes itself.
[12:33] ***** SERVER INITIALIZED ***** - Worldtime 0
[12:33] Pure RPG by M1k3
[12:33] ----------------------------------
[12:33] [join] Azz has joined the server (0:
Then it closes itself... any ideas??
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
[xA]Ramjet - 01.07.2007
I received the same issue, I had to comment out a lot of the OnPlayerConnect() information, only to find grammatic errors, bugs and other disappointments riddled through the script.
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Littl3j0hNy - 01.07.2007
The server crash in 3 min !
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
Azz - 01.07.2007
@ Ramjet.
Did you ever get it to work then??
If so any chance i could have ure .pwn? cos I ain't exactly great with the whole scripting thing and i wouldn't know what to comment out and what not to comment out from the onplayerconnect bit.
Thanks, Azz!
P.S (email: azzy_p @ bt internet . com) (remove spaces)
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
kspeed - 01.07.2007
cant you just post your dini?
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
flippi - 01.07.2007
i got it working just he does not save people when they register
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
nonechkin - 01.07.2007
\gamemodes\PureRP.pwn(5) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "a_players"
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.0.3367 Copyright © 1997-2005, ITB CompuPhase
1 Error.
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
MaTrIx4057 - 01.07.2007
Originally Posted by kspeed
cant you just post your dini?
You can get dini.inc here -
Re: [GM] Pure RPG [No DM] -
nonechkin - 02.07.2007
[12:33] ***** SERVER INITIALIZED ***** - Worldtime 0
[12:33] Pure RPG by M1k3
[12:33] ----------------------------------
[12:33] [join] nonechkin has joined the server (0:
And server close.... What me need doing?