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MySQL_Static - Printable Version

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MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 22.11.2014

Loaded BlueGs MySQL static plugin. And everything working except it wont show me the login dialog. I looked into the logs then i found this
Failed to connect to MySQL !
This is what i scripted in
//MySQL Information
new dbHandle;
#define SQL_HOST ""
#define SQL_USER "*******"
#define SQL_PASS "********"
#define SQL_DB "MalikK"
And the MySQL database dosent exist.
but since im using Static plugin do i need a specific detail that i have to write down in?
//MySQL Information
new dbHandle;
#define SQL_HOST ""
#define SQL_USER "*******"
#define SQL_PASS "********"
#define SQL_DB "MalikK"

Re: MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 22.11.2014

I mean i didn't scripted it in. But yeah

Re: MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 22.11.2014

OKay now i left them empty like this

//MySQL Information
new dbHandle;
#define SQL_HOST ""
#define SQL_USER ""
#define SQL_PASS ""
#define SQL_DB ""
And then i saw the logs
Connected to MySQL !
It shows me this. But the login dialog still wont show up. Any help?

Re: MySQL_Static - Ryz - 22.11.2014

login dialog codes plz! paste here

Re: MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 22.11.2014

public OnPlayerAttemptLogin2(playerid)
	new rows, fields;
	cache_get_data(rows, fields, dbHandle);
		format(msg, sizeof(msg), "Welcome to Molotov Roleplay Gaming, %s\nThis user was found in our database, please enter your password below to login.\n\nYou have 60 seconds to login.", GetName(playerid));
		ShowDialog(playerid, Show:<Login>, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""EMBED_YELLOW"Molotov Roleplay Gaming Login"EMBED_WHITE"", msg, "Login", "Quit");
		LoginTimer{playerid} = SetTimerEx("CheckPlayerLogged", 60000, 0, "i", playerid);
		ShowDialog(playerid, Show:<ConfirmWord>, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""EMBED_RED"Secret word confirmation"EMBED_WHITE"", ""EMBED_WHITE"The IP you are using is not the same for\nthis account, please enter the secret word of the player.", "Okay", "Exit");

Re: MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 23.11.2014

Should i change anything?

Re: MySQL_Static - Ryz - 23.11.2014

try changing
pawn Code:
new dbHandle;
pawn Code:
static dbHandle;

Re: MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 23.11.2014

Originally Posted by Ryz
View Post
try changing
pawn Code:
new dbHandle;
pawn Code:
static dbHandle;
Dosent work.

Re: MySQL_Static - Tony$$ - 23.11.2014

Ryz can you accept my friend request on skype?

Re: MySQL_Static - MD5 - 23.11.2014

Show us your "OnPlayerConnect".