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[FilterScript] Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Printable Version

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Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Bingo - 20.11.2014

Administrators meeting v1.0

Hello everyone sup, Hope you all are fine.

I just made something which i found useful in roleplay server, It's best for recruiting staff or administrators or meeting something important in a private room.

Administrators meeting

It's a filterscript, Which works fine with no bugs at all, Tested 6 times and by blessings all the commands worked perfect, To use this filterscript in your server you need (sscanf, zcmd) You can get this at the bottom of this thread vvv. Sometimes the server owners of their server usually call their administrators to a place to discuss something private such as (meetings, discussions or even recruitments) so i got an idea why not to create a script which is controlled by one cmd only, /meetingon. The meeting room consists of 13 seats of total, In this 2 of them are for owner and manager.

How to use?

It's simple as hell, Just go in game and type /meetingon, You will get a message claiming that 'You cannot use this cmd' Don't worry. Just login as RCON and then type /meetingon and you'll get a message saying *You've opened meeting room, No regular players allowed. and after you get this message you can use rest of the commands. Check the commands in next prghp. Admins should type /meetingroom to teleport to meeting and then select seat /seat <1-11> make sure you are inside the meeting room to select the seat. When you are inside and everyone had sitted so the owner or any admin can start the discussion by using /atalk <message> (Eg:- /atalk Ok guys, We must be strict in multi accountings).


/ameetingcmds - To check all the commands.
/meetingon - To open the meeting room (Opens access to all meeting cmds)
/meetingroom - Teleports to the meeting room/discussion room
/seat <1-11> - To occupy one of the seat.
/seatowner - To sit on the owners seat (Only if you are owner)
/seatmanager - To sit on manager's seat (Only if you are manager)
/atalk <message> - To discuss between the seated members
/standup - To stand up.
/meetingoff - To close the meeting room and disable access to commands.


Checking all the commands

Normal players can't open or close the meeting room

After login as rcon, You can open the room

Meeting rooms equiped 13 seats total

Sitting on admin/partners seat

Sitting on owners seat

Discussing with all the seated members

Closing the meeting room

If the meeting room is closed this message will come

Meeting room closed and disabled all the commands

Must be admin to use this command


Mediafire :- Administrators Room v1.0


1. Download (meetingroom) and extact the folder to dekstop.
2. The package contains 3 folders (filterscripts, plugins & pawno>inc).
3. Copy filterscripts>meetingroom.amx & meetingroom.pwn to your server (filterscripts).
4. Copy pawno>include>zcmd and sscanf2 to your server (pawno>include).
5. Copy plugin>sscanf.dll to your plugins folder.
6. Open server.cfg located in your server directory.
7. Add meetingroom in filterscripts (filterscripts meetingroom).
8. Add sscanf in plugins (plugins sscanf).


• Close the meeting room when all the admins are gone (RCON ONLY)
• Don't let any other players inside.
• Change (/seat1) to your admins name for example (/bingo). Continue for all (seat2, seat3, seat4)
• Don't spam /atalk, No effects but good.


Bingo (myself) - For Making the whole script
Zeex - For 'zcmd' include.
sscanf - For sscanf plugin.
Bkardi - For map idea

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Ryz - 20.11.2014

lol nice one

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Bingo - 20.11.2014

Originally Posted by Ryz
Посмотреть сообщение
lol nice one
Thank you .

Re : Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Pride007 - 20.11.2014

Good job Bingo

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Pravin - 20.11.2014

Good job +rep

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - GamingPro - 20.11.2014


Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - biker122 - 20.11.2014

Nice work.

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - ItzRbj - 20.11.2014

Awesome , waiting for ur next version , +rep :3

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - N.K.Stallone - 20.11.2014

Simple and nice, good job! +rep

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Bingo - 20.11.2014

Originally Posted by Pride007
Посмотреть сообщение
Good job Bingo
Originally Posted by Pravin
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Good job +rep
Originally Posted by GamingPro
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Originally Posted by biker122
Посмотреть сообщение
Nice work.
Originally Posted by ItzRbj
Посмотреть сообщение
Awesome , waiting for ur next version , +rep :3
Originally Posted by bgtracker
Посмотреть сообщение
Simple and nice, good job! +rep
Thank you everyone for the comment

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - M0HAMMAD - 20.11.2014

Nice bingo

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Alex Magaсa - 20.11.2014

lol nice i like it! it's usefulll for freeroam's even RP's servers.

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Bingo - 20.11.2014

Thank you

*More comments please ^^ Thank you.

Re : Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Pride007 - 22.11.2014

I tested it works perfect i am going to use this!
By the way how do add more seats?

Re : Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Pride007 - 22.11.2014

Sorry for double post,i forgot something..
I really like this map,because nobody made like this ever.
I will add it on my Beta server,but i have a second question,i will F-pm you.

Re: Re : Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Bingo - 22.11.2014

Originally Posted by Pride007
Посмотреть сообщение
I tested it works perfect i am going to use this!
By the way how do add more seats?
Sorry for late reply.

Through MTA.

Respuesta: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Juand - 22.11.2014

Good idea ^^ +rep

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Vince123 - 22.11.2014

Good job! +rep

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Arastair - 22.11.2014

Great idea

Re: Administrators Meeting [zcmd] [unique] - Bingo - 22.11.2014

Originally Posted by Juand
Посмотреть сообщение
Good idea ^^ +rep
Yes it is, Because no one made like this ever before.
It's easy but brain.

Originally Posted by Arastair
Посмотреть сообщение
Great idea
Thank you .

Originally Posted by Vince123
Посмотреть сообщение
Good job! +rep