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[HELP] warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - Printable Version

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[HELP] warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - GBLTeam - 18.11.2014

What's wrong here? All got same problem

pawn Код:
warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
pawn Код:
SCM(a,COLOR_RED,"Vozivte Prebrzo! Radarot ve fati,vasata brzina bese ",speed,"KM/h, na mesto kade sto e dozvoleno ",limit, "KM/h.");
SCM(a,0xFF1E00FF,"sisis","Voziљ prevelikom brzinom! Radar te je snimio da voziљ ",speed,"mph na mjestu gdje je dozvoljeno ",limit, "mph.");
SCM(a,0xFF1E00FF,"sis","Dobio si kaznu od $",SpeedCameras[b][_fine],".");
SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"sisis","Ugao radara: ",id," je uspjeљno sacuvan u: ",strval(inputtext),".");
SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"sisis","Domet radara: ",id," je uspjeљno sacuvan u: ",strval(inputtext),".");
SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"sisis","Kazna za radar: ",GetPVarInt(playerid,"selected")," je uspjeљno sacuvan u: ",strval(inputtext),".");
SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"sis","Radar: ",GetPVarInt(playerid,"selected")," ne odgovara mjerenju brzine u mph.");
SCM(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"sis","Radar: ",GetPVarInt(playerid,"selected")," ne odgovara mjerenju brzine u kmh.");

Re: [HELP] warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - Sawalha - 18.11.2014

Actually , the function property is :
pawn Код:
SendClientMessage(playerid, Color, const message[])
you have added another parameter. that will return the warn that you are reporting.

Re: [HELP] warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - GBLTeam - 18.11.2014

So how to fix like if i use this insteald of SendClientMessage
pawn Код:
stock SendClientMessageEx(playerid,color,type[],{Float,_}:...)
    new string[128];
    for(new i = 0;i<numargs() -2;i++)
            case 's':
                new result[128];
                for(new a= 0;getarg(i +3,a) != 0;a++)
                    result[a] = getarg(i +3,a);
                    format(string,sizeof string,"%s",result);
                } else format(string,sizeof string,"%s%s",string,result);

            case 'i':
                new result = getarg(i +3);
                    format(string,sizeof string,"%i",result);
                } else format(string,sizeof string,"%s%i",string,result);

            case 'f':
                new Float:result = Float:getarg(i +3);
                    format(string,sizeof string,"%f",result);
                } else format(string,sizeof string,"%s%f",string,result);
    return 1;

Re: [HELP] warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition - Sawalha - 18.11.2014

just do
pawn Код:
#define SCM SendClientMessageEx
and make sure you have defined the SendClientMessageEx stock.