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[FilterScript] Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - Printable Version

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Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - ZaBraNjeNi - 15.11.2014


This is my first released FS. This is useful for DM / TDM Gamemods.


Well, when player spawn at the on place he will have "box" around him.

When protection ends

Message to player know when protection is started and ended

- Pastebin -

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - Abagail - 15.11.2014

Or just give them anti-damage for the duration of the spawn protection?

Answer - Ygzeb - 15.11.2014

Really interesting stuff, I have never seen an anti spawn protection like that one

You can add a health protection (anti damage) because with RPG or bombs they can hurt the player.

Anyway, creative, good job, +REP

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - Warlord - 15.11.2014

Originally Posted by Abagail
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Or just give them anti-damage for the duration of the spawn protection?
I think he doesnt knew that it will be possible.

Anyway it looks cool.

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - Glossy42O - 16.11.2014

hhahaa nice one you made me laugh xD

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - ZaBraNjeNi - 16.11.2014

Originally Posted by Abagail
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Or just give them anti-damage for the duration of the spawn protection?
Thanks for comment. It was added now.
Originally Posted by Ygzeb
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Really interesting stuff, I have never seen an anti spawn protection like that one

You can add a health protection (Anti damage) because with RPG or bombs they can hurt the player.

Anyway, creative, good job, +REP
Thank you bro, I'm added now Anti-damage.

Originally Posted by Warlord
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I think he doesnt knew that it will be possible.

Anyway it looks cool.

Originally Posted by Stuun
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hhahaa nice one you made me laugh xD

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - Clarck - 16.11.2014

funny Xd cool

Respuesta: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - aoEXE - 16.11.2014

hahahaha that literal xD it's good (y)

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - Dairyll - 16.11.2014

I tried this on a LAN server. Gave us a few chuckles. Haha.

Re: Anti-Spawn Kill Protection - ZaBraNjeNi - 16.11.2014

Originally Posted by Clarck
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funny Xd cool

Originally Posted by aoEXE
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hahahaha that literal xD it's good (y)
It can be said.


I tried this on a LAN server. Gave us a few chuckles. Haha.
