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[FilterScript] CFeedBack [MySQL] - Printable Version

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CFeedBack [MySQL] - Capua - 13.11.2014



This is a short filterscript basically to send written messages from in-game to MySQL database.
The idea is to let players give their feedback and owner or anyone who has access to the database could see players' feedback.
Now you may wonder "who the heck would use this?".
This script can be also considered as a tutorial, such as how to create tables in the database through your script etc.
So, you may re-distribute and alter the filterscript if you feel so.


-Knowledge of MySQL
-BlueG R7 MySQL plugin
-Have your MySQL and Apache server set up.

Example image of the database:


If you think there's something wrong or I've forgotten something, please inform me!
Give me your feedback!

Re: CFeedBack [MySQL] - Alex Magaсa - 13.11.2014

Great work!

Re: CFeedBack [MySQL] - Capua - 14.11.2014


Re: CFeedBack [MySQL] - Vince123 - 15.11.2014

Great work! Will rep+ you soon