Hide Nameplates -
TofuWarrior - 10.11.2014
Hello everyone.
I'm currently working on creating a machinima in SA-MP(0.3z) by hosting a server in LANmode. Some family members are pitching in as stunt drivers(Though I can always use more). The machinima is entitled 'Turbo Overdrive'. Anyways...
After recording the first couple minutes of the first episode, I found that the nameplates above everyones heads will prove to be quite a pain. Is there a way to remove this? Perhaps a filterscript I can install?
I would like to stress that I am USELESS at writing filterscripts, I have tried and failed multiple times. If you are going to link me to one of those SA-MP wiki pages, then don't bother posting. It's not what I'm looking for. I can get into scripting at a later date, but this is fairly urgent and I need to get somewhere on it.
Can somebody link me to, or possibly write, a simple filterscript in order to allow the disabling of nameplates?
If you know of a gamemode that has no objects, disables nameplates, and has a lot of TPs, then please let me know!
One more thing, is there an FS out there that allows teleporting to players? It's not easy to describe how to get someplace when scouting locations :P
Re: Hide Nameplates -
meta1 - 10.11.2014
If by "nameplates" you mean the labels that are on top of your head that show hp, armor and name then use this:
in "OnGameModeInit"
Re: Hide Nameplates -
TofuWarrior - 10.11.2014
I don't think you read the topic thoroughly. I have no idea what that is, nor how to use it. I have NO knowledge of scripting, I will learn eventually, just not now.
EDIT: After some poking around, I realized, is this intended to be placed in a gamemode? Because there seems to be an OnGameModeInit entry there...
Re: Hide Nameplates -
meta1 - 10.11.2014
Then why should people help you? They will not help if you pretend them to do all the work for you. Just put the function I gave you above into the callback called "OnGameModeInit".
Re: Hide Nameplates -
TofuWarrior - 10.11.2014
Because I don't know what I am doing? Please don't start arguments, I just want to know a simple fix for now. What is a callback? Where do I put said callback?
Re: Hide Nameplates -
meta1 - 10.11.2014
When you open your .pwn file (the gamemode) make sure you have this in it:
Re: Hide Nameplates -
Alex Magaсa - 10.11.2014
1) Go to your server folder
2)Open pawno.exe from pawno folder
3) Direct and open your gamemode
4) try to find OnGameModeInit if this
public doesn't exist try to put this on your gamemode.
5) Add
ShowNameTags(0); under public OnGameModeInit
6) Compile the gamemode and done.
Re: Hide Nameplates -
TofuWarrior - 10.11.2014
How does one compile a gamemode? Can I edit the one I am currently using and recompile it?
Re: Hide Nameplates -
meta1 - 10.11.2014
Click F7 on pawno and yes, you can compile it.
Re: Hide Nameplates -
TofuWarrior - 11.11.2014
How do I get an AMX? Or do I only need the pwn?